Locking Through


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Published on Apr 4, 2012 by

Animated video shows a boat on a river approaching a lock and fixed crest dam. The boat then locks through to the lower pool. No audio dialog. Audio of a fog horn when boat is ok'd to enter/exit lock. On screen text:
"When approaching the lock, always follow the navigable channel. Danger -- Be aware of the fixed crest dam. It is very difficult see moving down the river. Be dam conscious! Be aware of the buoys! Sign pops up: Danger Dam Ahead! When approaching the lock, wait for the green light and whistle signal from the lock operator to enter. Follow the instructions of the lock operator as to the location where you will moor. Wait for the lock operator's signal to leave the chamber. Watch for the green light or listen for the signal from the air horn. Remember safety. Wear it! (Your lifejacket)"
Video courtesy of:
Pittsburgh District, US Army Corps of Engineers
1000 Liberty Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15222


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