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  • Oregon State Historic Preservation Office
    Barn near Weston
    The Oregon State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) was established in 1967 to manage and administer programs for the protection of the state's historic and cultural resources. When these resources disappear communities can lose tangible and educational assets that contribute directly to Oregon's heritage, and also opportunities for local economic development. SHPO staff is here to assist city planners and other officials, property owners, and preservation groups to find forward-thinking solutions to protect and preserve our past.
SHPO Programs SHPO Programs
Archaeological Services
Archaeological Services
Protects Oregon's archaeological sites through project reviews and provides education on cultural heritage issues.
Certified Local Governments
Certified Local Governments
A federal program administered by the SHPO to promote historic preservation at the local level.
Environmental Compliance
Environmental Compliance
Assists federal agencies and those receiving federal funds to comply with Section 106, and local governments in Oregon in compliance with ORS 358.653.
Main Street
Oregon Main Street
Works with communities to develop revitalization strategies based on a community's unique assets, character and heritage.
National Register of Historic Places
National Register of Historic Places
Assists property owners, governments, and interested citizens in listing Oregon's most historically important resources in the National Register of Historic Places.
Preserving Oregon Grant
Preserving Oregon Grant
Matching grant for rehabilitation work that supports the preservation of historic resources listed in the National Register of Historic Places or for significant work toward identifying, preserving, and interpreting archaeological sites.
Survey & Inventory
Survey & Inventory
Statewide survey and inventory of historic and archaeological resources to support citizens and government agencies in identifying and protecting Oregon's cultural and heritage resources.
Tax Incentives
Tax Incentives
Learn about two tax incentive programs available to encourage the appropriate rehabilitation and maintenance of historic properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places.
Technical & Rehabilitation Assistance
Technical & Rehabilitation Assistance
Find tips, ideas, sources, instructions. forms, and more for heritage and historic preservation!
EWP Oregon Heritage Preservation Scholarship
EWP Oregon Heritage Preservation Scholarship
Scholarship offered twice per year to heritage volunteers and professionals who want to expand their preservation abilities and knowledge by attending a preservation-related conference, workshop, or training.