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Flood Risk Management Program

USACE-Rijkswaterstaat Collaboration

Jan Hendrik Dronkers, Director General of the Dutch Rijkswaterstaat (RWS), and Jo-Ellen Darcy, Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works), co-chaired a steering committee meeting to review technical exchanges between the RWS and USACE. A Levee Safety Working Group, established under an agreement between the two organizations, has held regular partnership meetings over the past ten years to explore areas and issues of common interest...continue reading.

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News and Events

Stay up-to-date with upcoming flood risk management events, conferences, and training opportunities. Information about previous Corps flood risk management events and workshops are also provided.

New Federal Flood Risk Management Standard (FFRMS) and Implementation

Find out more about the new standard and its implementation, including an overview, talking points, and other information.


Check the Corps Flood Risk Management Newsletter for upcoming training opportunities.

See our Training Resources for ongoing training opportunities across a wide variety of flood risk management topics.

Flood Risk Management Program