The Mobile Health Blog

Nothing’s more persuasive than a review from someone who’s actually used a product. Here at T2, we welcome comments from those who use our free psychological health apps, even to let us know that a feature doesn’t work right or that a new update made their data vanish (oops—sorry!).

As both a psychologist and a gamer, I’m thrilled with the success of the mobile app Pokemon GO, the location-based, augmented reality game where players use their smartphones to locate virtual Pokemon characters in real-world locations. I’m guessing that you’re either playing the game yourself or have run across players.

Nothing’s more persuasive than a review from someone who’s actually used a product. Here at T2, we welcome comments from those who use our free psychological health apps, even to let us know that a feature doesn’t work right or that a new update made their data vanish (oops—sorry!).

Nothing’s more persuasive than a review from someone who’s actually used a product. Here at T2, we welcome comments from those who use our free psychological health apps, even to let us know that a feature doesn’t work right or that a new update made their data vanish (oops). We need that information so we can fix things.
