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Home > Missions > Interagency Support > Dive Team

Dive Team in Action


Regional Technical Dive Team

The Buffalo District Dive Team has done over 60 dives across the United States in support of other U.S. Army Corps of Engineers missions and to support other agencies. The Buffalo District's Dive Team has also done five international dives in Japan, Italy, and South Korea. These dive efforts included underwater bridge and dam inspections, debris removal, waterfront structure inspections, storm damage inspections, underwater pier inspections, pump intake repairs, benthic assessments, underwater repairs to structures, ship location, aquatic plant removal, training dives, and more.

Our Buffalo District Dive Team has members with diverse backgrounds and skills. The team includes engineers, biologists, and archeologists, just to name a few. The diversity of the team not only makes them more efficient, but it also lets our partners rest assured that the set of eyes in the water is the best and most relevant set of eyes for the job. If it is a structural dive, then the team of underwater engineers will dive. If it is a habitat-related dive, then a biologist will be in the water. Our diversity is what sets us apart from the rest.

We look forward to discussing how the Buffalo District Dive Team can assist you and your organization.


Presentation Icon USACE Buffalo District Dive Team Overview


Contact the IIS Program

Phone: 716-879-4446
Fax: 716-879-4194
Email: buffalo-iis@usace.army.mil

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