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Clinician’s Corner: Second Annual DCoE Summit Looks at Continuum of Care and Care Transitions across the Military Health System

Lolita O’Donnell is Planning and Logistics Division Chief, Operations, for the Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury.

We’re counting down the minutes to next week’s second annual Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury summit, scheduled for Sept. 9-11 in Falls Church, Virginia.

This year’s conference uses a web-based platform for a virtual exhibit hall and for the sessions, offering registrants the opportunity to attend from anywhere in the world and to accrue up to 19 continuing education credits.

Our Planning and Logistics Division has finalized speakers, confirmed continuing education credits, launched our virtual exhibit hall and has registered well over one thousand attendees for this unique virtual conference.

We’re extremely proud of our robust agenda. We have experts and professionals from all aspects of psychological health and traumatic brain injury care ready to share their insights, to highlight research, and to collaborate to address the challenges of providing quality health services across care transitions and the continuum of care. We know the research, innovative ideas, and best practices will be useful to everyone who attends.

Some of the thirty sessions in our psychological health and traumatic brain injury tracks include addressing co-morbidities with traumatic brain injury, implementing cognitive rehabilitation for traumatic brain injury, treating dual diagnosis posttraumatic stress disorder and alcohol use disorders, facilitating collaborative primary care for psychological health conditions and addressing the unique needs of special operations forces.

It’s not too late to register, nor too early to take a look at our virtual exhibit booths. We look forward to your participation and to learning together!

DCoE Summit Preview Video

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