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Home > Missions > Engineering and Construction > Capabilities > Current Initiatives

Current Initiatives

Technical Specialist Career Ladder

  • Five GS-13 non-supervisory technical positions have been established and recruited to provide regional technical guidance and quality control (creates a dual career ladder) in the Mechanical, Electrical, Architectural, Geotechnical and Structural disciplines.

Multi-Skilling our Workforce

  • A cross-training program has been established to multi-skill our workforce in several functional areas. Our objective is to increase flexibility and individual development.

As-Built Drawing Clause

  • The as-built drawing clause has been revised to improve the quality and responsiveness of the contractor's submittal. Among other changes, a 60% submittal in CD-ROM format is required to provide advance information on installed site work for the user.

Warranty Clause

  • The Albuquerque District has been selected by Headquarters USACE to test a new warranty clause that holds warranty funds for one year after a facility is completed.

Interactive Quality Management Plan

  • An ISO 9001 configured Quality Management Plan Web site is available with built-in links to related regulations and procedures. Formal ISO certification is being investigated.

Lessons Learned Database

  • A Construction Industry Institute software package is now being used to document lessons learned.

Design-Build Quality Control Clause

  • Construction contractors for design build are now required to submit a very specific design quality control plan after award.