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Contracting Division

The Contracting Division is responsible for staff actions and policy related to:

  • Interpreting and implementing policy and procedures emanating from higher authority and for developing and implementing local policy and procedures.
  • Serving as consultant and principal advisor to the Commander and technical/support staff on policy and procedural matters pertaining to procurement contracts, grants and cooperative agreements.
  • Developing the operating program of the Contracting Division, based on forecasts of requirements furnished by other elements of the District.
  • Providing staff oversight and supporting the contracting activities of other offices except those activities related to real property or interests therein.
  • Performing staff oversight of A-E contracting procedures and construction contract administration to assure compliance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and supplements thereto. Providing recommendations to the Commander for improvements and corrections in A-E contracting and construction contract administration procedures.
  • Maintaining liaison with industry, military and other Government agencies on procurement matters.
  • Ensuring compliance with the Competition in Contracting Act (CICA) of 1984 by assisting the District's Competition Advocate in meeting objectives for full and open competition.
  • Issuing policy on all matters related to procurement contracts, grants and cooperative agreement.
  • Participating in acquisition planning of District requirements, providing expertise in such areas as the breakout of requirements, contract type, milestones and methods of procurement.
  • Providing administrative support and staff oversight over contract administration functions in the District.
  • Assisting the Deputy for Small Business in meeting proposed objectives and providing administrative and technical support to the Deputy.
  • Managing the Defense Material System and Deputy.

Contact Info

Contracting Division
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District
701 San Marco Blvd
Jacksonville, FL 32207-8175
