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Planning plays a vital role in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers water resources development missions through the use of a structured, rational approach to solving problems.  Corps Planners are professionals with expertise in water resources planning, including plan formulation, environmental restoration, cultural resources assessment, Civil Works policy interpretation and public partnering.

The Corp’s Detroit District develops civil works projects that focus on evaluating water resource related problems and devising innovative solutions. These projects include evaluating and improving Great Lakes Navigation System components, construction of flood protection systems, and designing and implementing ecosystem restoration projects, among others. The Corps also offers Floodplain Management Services, Planning Assistance to States, and Tribal assistance. We can help you with:

Flood Risk Management
Fishery and Ecosystem Restoration
Streambank and Shoreline Protection
Harbor Development

However, none of these projects is possible without proper Plan Formulation.  For every project, Congress directs the Corps to develop a feasibility study (i.e. "Plan") to determine the project’s validity. Corps studies typically include two phases: an initial reconnaissance to determine if a solution which warrants Federal participation, then a feasibility study to examine possible solutions and select the alternative that best meets national, regional and stakeholder needs.

Feasibility studies require local sponsor cost-sharing of 50%. If the study is approved, Congress may then authorize the project construction and appropriate funds, based on availability. Projects are generally built with a majority of federal funds, combined with cash and Work-in-Kind contributions by non-federal sponsors for the remaining share.

For more information about how to contact us and applying for Corps assistance for your water resources problem, please visit our Technical/Planning Assistance page.