U.S. Army Europe Headquarters

Information for U.S. Army Europe Headquarters staff members

  • Mission
  • Staff
  • HHBN



The doctrinal name for the Army Service Component Command of a geographic combatant command is “theater army.” U.S. Army Europe is the ASCC assigned to the U.S. European Command and provides continuous oversight and control of Army operations throughout the EUCOM Area of Responsibility. As an ASCC, USAREUR is America's strategic forward enabler; we provide forces and participate in multi-national operations with multiple Combatant Commands. We are the primary vehicle for Army support to Army, joint, interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational forces operating across Eurasia. We also have a trained and ready Contingency Command Post able to command and control a joint task force.


The role of U.S. Army Europe is to prepare Soldiers and units, build partnerships, reassure allies, and deter adversaries. We provide forces and participate in a range of operations with multiple Combatant Commands and adapt to a constantly changing security and resource environment.

USAREUR headquarters exercises administrative control over all Army forces here, and, within our area of responsibility, as an ASCC we perform specific Title 10 functions: servicing; supplying; training units; maintaining/servicing and constructing/outfitting of Army equipment; mobilizing/demobilizing; administering, including the morale and welfare of personnel; and construction, maintaining, repairing of buildings, structures, and utilities & management and acquisition of real property.

We also provide Army Support to Other Services and are the DoD’s executive agent in Europe for Conventional Ammunition, Military Immunization, Mortuary Affairs, Armed Services Blood Program Office, Veterinary Services, Military Postal Services, and Customs Inspection.

Our units include a mix of brigade combat teams, an aviation brigade, and key theater support elements: a theater sustainment command, a military intelligence brigade, a theater network command, a regionally focused medical command and a regionally focused air and missile defense command.  For an explanation of the focus of USAREUR, visit our Campaign Plan page. To learn more about the command, be sure to visit our About and Mission pages.

Besides hundreds of smaller military-to military interactions, Headquarters staff members participate in numerous large, named multinational landpower exercises throughout Europe along with Soldiers and civilians from subordinate units.

These exercises ensure interoperability with our current, and potential, coalition partners, and for working out possible mission command issues including computer network and communications interoperability.  Visit our Exercises page for more information about our large scale exercises.

The two main training areas - 7th Army Training Command (7th ATC), headquartered in Grafenwoehr, Germany; and 7th ATC's Joint Multinational Readiness Center in Hohenfels, Germany - are located in Southern Germany.

USAREUR is currently headquartered in Wiesbaden at Clay Kaserne. With the excellent facilities here, including the world-class medical center in Landstuhl, Germany, and the personal and professional broadening experiences attendant on living in Europe, our forces’ quality of life is commensurate with their commitment to national defense.



The Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion provides administrative and logistic support and unit level command and control to Headquarters, USAREUR.  On order, personnel deploy to provide administrative and logistic support and unit level command and control for the Command Posts and all assigned or attached units.


Battalion Commander
Lt. Col. Brennan F. Cook | biography

Command Sergeant Major
Command Sgt. Maj. Joseph E. Pierre-Louis | biography


S1: DSN 537-0710
S3: DSN 537-0730
S4: DSN 537-0740
PBO: DSN 537-0744


Headquarters Support Company

Commander: Capt. Colin E. Robertson DSN 537-0776
1st Sgt. Todd Parsons DSN 537-0777
Wiesbaden: DSN 337-3798

Directorates that fall under HSC:
Command Group, IG, OJA, OCPA and OCHAP

Operations Company:  

Commander: Capt. Scott C. Broome DSN 537-0786
1st Sgt. Neftali Diaz DSN 537-0787
Wiesbaden: DSN 337-3779

Directorates that fall under OPS Company:
G3, G6

Intelligence and Sustainment Company

Commander: Capt. Christina C. Gomez DSN 537-0796
1st Sgt. Shaun D. Canfield DSN 537-0797
Wiesbaden: DSN 337-3452

Directorates that fall under I&S Company:




Wiesbaden, Germany

Wiesbaden, Germany

Welcome to the U.S. Army Europe Headquarters in Wiesbaden, Germany.

Learn about the area.

Directory Assistance

Commercial within Germany: 0711 680 113

Commercial in Europe:
49 711 680 113

Commercial from U.S:
011 49 711 680 113
DSN 314.430.1110