Commitment to SHARP incorporated into OER, NCOER

Oct. 24, 2013

By U.S. Army Europe Public Affairs

WIESBADEN, Germany – Effective immediately, all officers and noncommissioned officers will include goals and objectives that adhere to Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention Program on their Officer Evaluation Report or NCO Evaluation Report.

According to Milper message 13-306, Changes to the Evaluation Reporting System in Response to Army Directive 2013-20, officers and NCOs must commit themselves to eliminating sexual harassment and assault to foster a climate of dignity and respect in their units.

The Army is taking important steps to provide new training for its leaders and strengthen its training for all Soldiers by improving its investigative and military justice capabilities and furthering the professionalism its first responders.

As of Sept. 27, OERs and NCOERs should identify, as appropriate, any significant actions or contributions the rated officer or NCO made toward:

  • Promoting the personal and professional development of his or her subordinates;
  • Ensuring the fair, respectful treatment of assigned personnel
  • Establishing a workplace and overall command climate that fosters dignity and respect for all members of the group.

Assessments should also identify, as appropriate, any failures by the officer or NCO to foster a climate of dignity, respect and adherence to the SHARP Program.

Additionally, if the rated officer or NCO had a substantiated incident of sexual harassment or sexual assault in their unit, the assessment must note the incident and explain how the officer or NCO addressed it.

Raters and senior raters are now required to document any substantiated finding in an Army or
Department of Defense investigation or inquiry that an officer or NCO:

  • Committed an act of sexual harassment or sexual assault
  • Failed to report a sexual harassment or assault
  • Failed to respond to a complaint or report of sexual harassment or sexual assault
  • Retaliated against a person making a complaint or report of sexual harassment or sexual assault.

For more information about the Milper message 13-306, visit the milsuite website.

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