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The Buffalo District delivers world class engineering solutions to the Great Lakes Region, the Army, and the Nation in order to ensure national security, environmental sustainability, water resource management, and emergency assistance during peace and war.
The Buffalo District is considered a "small" District by Corps of Engineers standards but has done an excellent job of taking on and tackling new missions.

  • It has a diverse group of professionals including: civil, environmental, electrical, and mechanical engineers; architects and cost estimators; hydrologists and hydraulic engineers; economists, community planners, and outreach specialists; biologists, and environmental and wetland scientists; health physicists, industrial hygienists, risk assessors, and chemists; program and project managers; and construction inspectors and managers.

  • Our staff is dedicated as evidenced by our support to the Global War on Terrorism, national emergencies, and our excellent mission execution record.

  • We are adaptable as evidenced by our development as an HTRW Design Center and execution of the FUSRAP Program and DERP-FUDS Projects. The District was assigned FUSRAP with the stipulation of no additional FTEs and had to "retool" our workforce with an intense training program and selective filling of vacancies with HTRW-capable experts.

  • The District has done a significant number of "A-E type" jobs for other Corps Districts and other Federal agencies. These jobs have been completed within schedule and budget parameters. Several examples of these projects and our Customers assessments are included below.

In summary, the Buffalo District stands ready to support the diverse needs of our Customers. It is adaptable

to new missions, innovative in developing solutions, has an excellent track record of completing projects on time and within budget, and has received accolades from our Customers!