Joint Chiefs of Staff

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May 28, 2012 — GENERAL MARTIN E. DEMPSEY: (In progress) – a military parent himself. One of his poems, entitled “Decoration Day,” speaks to the experience of any family that has sent a son or daughter off to war. While relieved that his own son Charlie returned safely from the Civil War, Longfellow was moved by the fact that many, many more did not. In his  more…
May 28, 2012 — SAVANNAH GUTHRIE: And on this Memorial Day we are pleased to welcome General Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. General Dempsey, good morning to you. GENERAL MARTIN DEMPSEY (Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff): Good morning, Savannah. GUTHRIE: Well, we want to talk to you, sir, of course, about the sacrifices of our  more…
May 28, 2012 — GENERAL MARTIN E. DEMPSEY: Thanks, Tom. And thank you for your heartfelt words, your service in the Army National Guard, as well as your efforts to bring an education center here on these grounds. As we gather here at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, our fellow citizens are gathering in backyards, at memorials and in cemeteries around the  more…
May 28, 2012 — ERICA HILL: With us now from the Pentagon is General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, America`s highest ranking military officer, also the President`s top military adviser.General, good morning. Thanks for being with us today. When you look at Syria, what is the bar for the U.S. and for the international community? GEN. MARTIN  more…
May 28, 2012 — CHRISTINE ROMANS, CNN ANCHOR: Joining me now is General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Good morning, sir. Thank you for being here. GEN. DEMPSEY: Good morning. ROMANS: What would you like to say today to all of the families who have lost someone serving this country? DEMPSEY: Thankfully very few families in America have had  more…
May 28, 2012 — JOSH ELLIOTT, ABC NEWS: And as we honor those servicemen and women lost on Memorial Day, there now is growing concern that the US may, in fact, be headed for another military showdown. To that end, we are joined now by the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, from Washington this morning. And good morning to you, General.  more…
May 28, 2012 — DAVE BRIGGS, FOX NEWS: Welcome back. Violence in Syria continues. President Obama is calling on Russia in a bid to help out Assad but is the U.S. taking the appropriate steps in dealing with the Syria unrest and the Assad regime? CLAYTON MORRIS, FOX NEWS: Joining us to weigh in on this is General Martin Dempsey. Nice to see you on this Memorial  more…
May 25, 2012 — GENERAL MARTIN DEMPSEY: Thanks, you're very kind, but we're here to honor you this weekend, as we do or try to do every day of the year. I want to thank the vice president and Dr. Biden for being here. We get to share the stage with them at -- on many occasions, many events like this for families of the aggrieved, of wounded warriors. And I can  more…
May 19, 2012 — GENERAL MARTIN E. DEMPSEY: (Singing.) My kind of town, Chicago – (inaudible). (Laughter, cheers, applause.) (Inaudible.) And Alison, you inspired me with the national anthem. (Laughter.) We – Deanie and I are delighted to be here in Chicago for a long weekend, actually. We don’t – normally our weekends never have the adjective “long” attached to  more…
May 16, 2012 — MR.     : And it is my distinct honor that I have this morning, on behalf of the U.S. Naval Institute and AFCEA International to introduce our keynote speaker this morning, through rain and other adversities, who said this is important, an forum, the chairman, although a bit late in arrival, we are very, very honored to have him here with us.  He  more…
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