7th Army Training Command

U.S. Army Europe's Training Command

Site Search
  • JMTGU Soldiers from 7th Army Training Command trained 12 Ukrainian cadre on how to prepare and conduct classes during a Ukrainian Basic Instructor Course.
  • Red CrossJMRC incorporates actual real-world assets such as the Bayerisches Rotes Kreuz, or Bavarian Red Cross, into exercises.
  • UkraineA delegation of Ukraine military leaders, including Gen. Viktor Muzhenko, the chief of general staff, Commander in Chief of Armed Forces for Ukraine, toured the training ranges and facilities.
  • ISTCA newly developed 22-week NATO Special Operations Combat Medic pilot course debuted at the International Special Training Centre for special operations forces (SOF) and operators.
  • ASVCheck out the latest news from exercise Allied Spirit, taking place at the Joint Multinational Training Center, Sep. 26-Oct. 15.
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In Focus

A Unified Command

The 7th Army Training Command, headquartered in Grafenwoehr, Germany, provides military training solutions to U.S., Allied and Partner Nation forces in Europe, Africa and beyond.

Combined Arms Training Center

7ATC in Focus: CATC

The Combined Arms Training Center offers a diverse and current curriculum of courses to meet the needs of the ever-evolving U.S., NATO and Allied forces in the region.

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Last updated: October 18, 2016

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