Joint Chiefs of Staff

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December 17, 2012 — GENERAL MARTIN DEMPSEY: Well, it’s great to be here. Sorry we’re a little late. Believe it or not, the chairman doesn’t control international airspaces, and so – I’ll just set it right there, thanks – but I apologize for being late, but I’m really excited about interacting with you. I hope – I hope I find that you have some really tough  more…
November 27, 2012 — LIEUTENANT GENERAL BRENT SCOWCROFT (RET.): Good evening. It’s nice to welcome you all here for this important session featuring Admiral James “Sandy” Winnefeld, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Our subject today is one of the top priorities of the current administration: to execute a defense strategy that maximizes the limited resources  more…
November 19, 2012 — Not for themselves, but for their country. About two months ago, I took all the combatant commanders, including Doug, and the service chiefs up to the battlefield at Antietam. Bloodiest day in American military history, 23,000 casualties in an eight hour period on a space not much bigger than the field you see behind us. And in that space, in that  more…
November 13, 2012 — Part I of interview: DAN RATHER: Good evening. It is fitting that Veterans Day and Election Day fall at the same time of year. A president has many responsibilities, but the most important is that of Commander in Chief, and that comes with the solemn duty to take care of the men and women in uniform. Tonight marks the sixth anniversary of “Dan  more…
November 11, 2012 — Well thanks very much, and I hope I didn’t—I hope I didn’t bring this weather with me, but it is a distinct honor to be here. I hope the symbolism is apparent for all of us especially for those of you who have serve on the peninsula. I also want to make mention of the fact that—I’m a—I’m a member of the VFW [Veterans of Foreign Wars], very proud to  more…
November 08, 2012 — Directors, Generals, Admirals, Sgt. Maj. Mykoo, distinguished guests, family members, and most importantly, Marines—thank you for attending and participating in today’s Mar5ine Corps ceremonial cake cutting and thanks for allowing Lisa and I to join you, we are indeed honored. As I look around the audience, I’m capturing some immediate  more…
November 02, 2012 — GENERAL MARTIN DEMPSEY: Yeah, thanks very much. By the way, it’s 38 years, not 40 – come on, give me a break! (Laughter.) But thanks, Allison and Sloan. I have to tell you, that – you know, the emotion you show and the passion when you speak about the mission of the USO, what it does for soldiers and family members is just – it’s inspirational  more…
October 25, 2012 — Pentagon Channel: We’re joined today by General Martin Dempsey. Sir, thank you for your time today.GEN Dempsey: My pleasure. I’m looking forward to the conversation. Pentagon Channel: Well let’s just get right into the conversation topic of leadership. Sir, how do you define leadership? GEN Dempsey: Well, at its most—first of all, there have been  more…
October 10, 2012 — THERESA WERNER: Good afternoon, and welcome to the National Press Club. My name is Theresa Werner, and I am the 105th president of the National Press Club. We are the world’s leading professional organization for journalists committed to our profession’s future through our programming and events such as these while fostering a free press  more…
October 04, 2012 — GENERAL MARTIN DEMPSEY: All right. Thanks. Well, Deanie and I and the team that I travel with are delighted to be here with you in the Pacific Northwest. I just don’t know what the hell you’ve all been complaining about the weather for. I don’t know. (Laughter.) It looks pretty good to me. I also heard a couple of young – youngsters out  more…
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