





Resources  >>  Acronyms

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   Architect and Engineering
 AAA    Army Audit Agency
 AAFES    Army, Air Force Exchange Services
 AAP    Army Alternate Procedures
 AAP    Army Ammunition Plant
 ABO    Army Budget Office
 ABRP    Agriculture-Based Bioremediation Program
 ACAM    Air Conformity Applicability Model
 ACAT    Acquisition Category
 ACC    Air Combat Command
 ACHP    Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
 ACL    Alternate Concentration Limit
 ACO    Administrative Consent Order
   Alternate Contracting Officer's Representative
   Alternate Confirmatory Sampling
   Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management
   Army Compatible Use Buffers
   Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation
   Alabama Department of Environmental Managment
   Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality
   Administrative/Potential Additional Investigation
   A-Weighted Day-Night Level
   American Defense Preparedness Association
   Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Environment)
   Atomic Energy Act of 1954
   Army Environmental Center
   Army Environmental Command
   Army Environmental Cleanup Strategy
   Army Environmental Database
   Army Environmental Database - Compliance-related Cleanup
   Army Environmental Database - Environmental Quality
   Army Environmental Database Restoration
   Army Environmental Legislative Committee
   Army Environmental Program
   Army Environmental Policy Institute
   Army Environmental Reporting and Information Management Systems
   Air Education Training Center
   Army Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
   Air Force
   Air Force Base
   Air Force Base Conversion Agency
   Air Force Center of Engineering and the Environment
   Air Force District of Washington
   Air Force Institute of Technology
   Air Force Legal Services Agency
   Air Force Materiel Command
   Annual Funding Plan
   Armed Forces Pest Management Board
   Air Force Reserves
   Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine
   Air Force Special Operations Command
   Air Force Space Command
   Alternative Fuel Vehicle
   Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act
   Archeological and Historic Preservation Act
   ATTACC Integration Module
   Associated Industries of Missouri
   American Indian Religious Freedom Act
   Automated Information System
   Advanced Individual Training
   Alaska Army National Guard
   Army Logistics Management College
   Action Memorandum
   Army Materiel Command
   Air Mobility Command
   (U.S. Army) Material Command, Installation and Services Activity
   (US Army) Aviation and Missile Command
   Army Medical Department
   Army Medical Department Center and School
   Asbestos Management Plan
   Army Master Range Plan
   Army Management Structure
   Army Management Staff College
   Asbestos Management Team
   Advanced NCO Course
   Air National Guard
   Air National Guard Base
   Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
   American National Standards Institute
   Action Officer
   Administrative Orders
   Area of Concern
   American Planning Association
   Affected Property Assessment Reports
   Armored Personnel Carrier
   Affirmative Procurement Program
   Army Acquisition Pollution Prevention Support Office
   Accident Potential Zone
   Air Quality Control Region
   Air Quality Index
   Administrative Record
   Army Regulation
   Accelerated Remedial Action
   Alabama Risk Based Corrective Action
   Applicable or Relevant Appropriate Requirements
   (U.S. Army) Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center
   Army Range Inventory Database
   Army Research Laboratory
   Army National Guard
   Army National Guard - Maneuver Training Center
   Army Requirements Oversight Council
   Archeological Resources Protection Act
   Archeological Resources Protection Training Program
   Army Radon Reduction Program
   Army Range Sustainment Integration Council
   Army staff
   Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology)
   Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works)
   Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management & Comptroller)
   Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Environment)
   Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations, Energy & Environment)
   Army System Acquisition Review Council
   Army Senior Consultant
   Area Support Group
   Ammunition Supply Point
   Archive Search Report
   Ammunition Stockpile Reliability Program
   Above ground Storage Tank
   American Society for Testing and Materials
   Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials
   Abandoned Tank
   (U.S. Army) Aberdeen Test Center
   Army Test and Evaluation Command
   Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
   Army Training and Testing Area Carrying Capacity
   All Terrain Vehicle
   Air Sparging and Soil Vapor Extraction
   Animal Unit
   Authorized User List
   Automated Digital Information Network
   Aviation Gasoline
   Aerial Validation Plan
   Air and Waste Management Association
   Ambient Water Quality Criteria

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   Biological Assessment
 BA    Budget Area
 BAA    Broad Agency Announcement
 BASOPS    base operations
 BAT    Best Available Technology
 BBS    Bulletin Board System
 BCA    Base Closure Account
  BCP    Base Closure Plan
 BCP    BRAC Cleanup Plan
 BCT    BRAC Cleanup Team
 BD/DR    Building Demolition and Debris Removal
 BDAT    Best Demonstrated Available Technology
 BEC    BRAC Environmental Coordinator
 BES    Budget Estimate Submission
 BFIST    Bradley Fire Support Team
 BFVS    Bradley Fighting Vehicle Systems
 Bgs    Below ground surface
 BIA    Bureau of Indian Affairs
 BIFs    Boilers and Industrial Furnaces
 BLM    Bureau of Land Management
 BMP    Best Management Practice
 BMS    Best Management System
 BNCOC    Basic Noncommissioned Officer Course
 BO    Biological Opinion
 BOD    Biochemical Oxygen Demand
 BOR    Bureau of Reclamation
 BOS    Battlefield Operating Systems
 BPA    Blanket Purchase Agreement
 BRAC    Base Realignment and Closure
 BRAC ERP    BRAC Environmental Restoration Program
 BRACO    Base Realignment and Closure Office
 BSB    Base Support Battalion
 BTAG    Biological Technical Assistance Group
 BTC    BRAC Transition Coordinator
 BTEX    Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylene


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 C&D    Construction and Demolition
 CA    Cooperative Agreement
 Comprehensive Agreement
 CA    Commercial Activity
 CAA    Clean Air Act
 Clean Air Act Amendments
 CADD    Computer-Aided Design and Drafting
 CAG    Community Advisory Group
 CAIRA    Chemical Accident/Incident Response and Assistance
 CAIS    Chemical Agent Identification Sets
 Cal/EPA    California Environmental Protection Agency
 CAM    Compliance Assurance Monitoring
 CAMU    Corrective Action Management Unit
 CAP    Corrective Action Plan
 CAP    Conservation Assistance Program
 CAR    Chief, Army Reserve
 CARB    California Air Resources Board
 CARC    Chemical Agent Resistant Compound
 CARD    Cost Analysis Requirements Description
 CAS    Chemical Abstract System
 CATCHMAT    Centralized Army Tracking and Control of Hazardous Material
 CBDCOM    (U.S. Army) Chemical and Biological Defense Command
 CBEP    Community Based Environmental Protection
 CBI    Confidential Business Information
 CBT    Computer-Based Training
 CC    Compliance Cleanup
  CCAR    Coordinating Committee for Automotive Repair
 CCMB    Configuration Control Management Board
 CCMP    Comprehensive Conservation Management Plan
 CCP    Comprehensive Conservation Plan
 CDC    Centers for Disease Control
 CDC    Contained Detonation Chamber
 CDNL    C-weighted day-night level
 CEAC    Cost and Economics Analysis Center
 CECOM    Communications Electronics Command
 CECOS    Civil Engineer Corps Officers' School
 CEE    Center for Environmental Education
 CEI    Compliance Evaluation Inspection
 CEMP    Comprehensive Environmental Management Plan
 CEPPO    Chemical Emergency and Preparedness Office
 CEQ    Council on Environmental Quality
 CERCLA    Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
 CERCLIS    Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System
 CERFA    Community Environmental Response Facilitation Act
 CERL    (U.S. Army) Corps of Engineers Construction and Engineering Research Laboratory
 CESQG    Conditionally Exempt Small-Quantity Generator
 CFC    Chlorofluorocarbon
 CFR    Code of Federal Regulations
 CG    Coast Guard
 CG    Commanding General
 CHAMMP    Comprehensive Hazardous Material Management Programs
 CHF    Contaminant Hazard Factor
 CHPPM    (U.S. Army) Center for Health Promotion and Prevention
 CHRIMP    Consolidated Hazardous Material Reutilization and Inventory Management Program
 CI    Community Involvement
 CIC    (U.S. EPA) Community Involvement Coordinator
 CICA    Competition in Contracting Act
 CINWL    Commercial Industrial Nonhazardous Waste Landfill
 CISWI    Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incinerator
 CLIN    Contract Line Item Number
 CM    Configuration Management
  CMA    Chemical Materials Agency
 CMI    Corrective Measures Implementation
 CMI(C)    Corrective Measures Implementation - Construction
 CMI(O)    Corrective Measures Implementation - Operations
 CMPSC    Charles Melvin Price Support Center
 CMS    Corrective Measures Study
 CN    Chloroacetophenone (Riot Gas)
 CO    Carbon Monoxide
 COC    Chemical of Concern
 COE    Corps of Engineers
 COL    Colonel
 Contam    Contaminated
 CONUS    Continental United States
 COPC    Contaminants of Potential Concern
 COPEC    Chemicals of Potential Ecological Concern
 COR    Contracting Officer's Representative
 COTS    Commercial Off The Shelf
 CPA    Chief, Public Affairs
 CPAF    Cost Plus Award Fee
 CPFF    Cost Plus Fixed Fee
 CPG    Comprehensive Procurement Guide
 CPIF    Cost Plus Incentive Fee
 CPOL    Civilian Personnel Online
 CRA    Continuing Resolution Authority
 CRADA    Cooperative Research and Development Agreements
 CRB    Cost Review Board
 CREO    Central Regional Environmental Office
 CRM    Cultural Resources Manager
 CRO    Community Reuse Organization
 CRP    Community Relations Plan
 CRP    Conservation Reserve Program
 CRREL    Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory
 CRWQCB    California Regional Water Quality Control Board
 CS    Confirmation Study
 CSA    Chief of Staff, Army
 CSM    Conceptual Site Model
 CSO    Combined Sewer Overflow
 CSR    Code of State Regulations
 CSREES    Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service
 CTC    Cost To Complete
 CTC    Concurrent Technologies Corporation
 CTIC    Conservation Technology Information Center
 CTT    Closing, Transferring and Transferred ranges
 CWA    Clean Water Act
 CWF    Civil Works Facility
 CX    Categorical Exclusion
 CY    Calendar Year, Current Year
 CZARA    Coastal Zone Ace Reauthorization Amendments
 CZMA    Coastal Zone Management Act


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   Disposal and Reuse Record of Decision
 DA    Department of the Army
 DA PAM    Department of the Army pamphlet
 DAB    Defense Acquisition Board
 DAC    Defense Ammunition Center
 DAIG    Department of the Army Inspector General
 DASA (ESOH)    Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Environment, Safety, and Occupational Health)
 DASA (R&T)    Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Research and Technology)
 dB    Decibel
 dBA    Decibel, A-weighted
 dBC    Decibel, C-weighted
 dBP    Decibel, unweighted (peak)
 DBP    Disinfection Byproduct
 DBPR    Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule
 DCM    Decision Criteria Matrix
 DD    Decision Document
 DDD    Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane
 DDE    Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethene
 DDESB    Department of Defense Explosives Safety Board
 DDOU    Drum Disposal Operable Unit
 DDR&E    Defense Research and Engineering
 DDS    Data Delivery System
 DDT    Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane
 DEA    Data Exchange Agreement
 DEH    Directorate of Engineering and Housing
 DEHNR    Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources
 DEI    Directorate of Environmental Integration
 DEIS    Draft Environmental Impact Statement
 DEMIS    Defense Environmental Management Information System
 DENIX    Defense Environmental Network and Information eXchange
 DEP    Director of Environmental Programs
 DERA    Defense Environmental Restoration Account
 DERP    Defense Environmental Restoration Program
 DERTF    Defense Environmental Response Task Force
 DES    Design
 DESCIM    Defense Environmental Security Corporate Information Management
 DESIC    Defense Environmental Security International Cooperation
 DFAS    Defense Finance Accounting Service
 DFAS    Defense Financial Accounting System
 DFD    Design for Demilitarization
 DFEL    Directorate of Facilities Engineering and Logistics
 DFSC    Defense Fuel Supply Center
 DFSP    Defense Fuel Support Point
 DFW    Dallas/Fort Worth
 DGSC    Defense General Supply Center
 DISC4    Director of Information Systems for Command, Control, Communication, and Computers
 DLA    Defense Logistics Agency
 DMM    Discarded Military Munitions
 DNA    Defense Nuclear Agency
 DNL    Day-Night Level
 DNR    Department of Natural Resources
 DNT    Dinitrotoluene
 DoD    Department of Defense
 DODD    Department of Defense Directive
  DODI    Department of Defense Instruction
 DODIG    Department of Defense Inspector General
 DOE    Department of Energy
 DOI    Department of the Interior
 DOIT    Development of Onsite Innovative Technologies
 DOJ    Department of Justice
 DOL    Directorate of Logistics
 DOPAA    Description of the Proposed Action and Alternatives
 DOT    Department of Transportation
 DOTMLPF    Doctrine, Organizations, Training, Materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel, and Facilities
 DPG    Defense Planning Guidance
 DPTM    Directorate of Plans, Training and Mobilization
 DPW    Directorate of Public Works
 DQM    Data Quality Management
 DQO    Data Quality Objective
 DRA    Defense Reauthorization Act
 DRID    Defense Reform Initiative Directive
 DRMO    Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office
 DRMS    Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service
 DSA    Deputy for System Acquisition
 DSERTS    Defense Site Environmental Restoration Tracking System
 DSMOA    Defense-State Memoranda of Agreement
 DSRP    Drainage Structure Removal Program
 DST    Decision Support Tools
 DTLOMS    Doctrine, Training, Leader Development, Organization, Materiel Requirements and Soldier Support
 DTPs    Detailed Test Plans
 DTSC    Department of Toxic Substances Control
 DU    Dobson Unit
 DUSD (ES)    Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Environmental Security)
 DWNS    Drinking Water Needs Survey
 DWTP    Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plant


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   Exploration and Production
 E/P    Evaporation and Percolation
 EA    Executive Agent
 EA    Environmental Assessment
 EBS    Environmental Baseline Survey
 ECAMP    Environmental Compliance Assessment and Management Program
 ECAP    Environmental Compliance Assessment Program
 ECAR    Environmental Compliance Assessment Report
 ECAS    Environmental Compliance Assessment System
 ECHO    Enforcement and Compliance History Online
 ECM    Environmental Climate Model
 ECOP    Environmental Condition of Property
 ECOS    Environmental Council of the States
 ECP    Engineering Change Proposal
 ECSR    Environmental Compliance Status Report
 EDB    Ethylene Dibromide
 EE/CA    Engineering Evaluation and Cost Analysis
 EFARS    Engineer Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
 EFI    Efficient Facilities Initiative
 EI/AA    Environmental Investigation and Alternatives Analysis
 EIA    Environmental Impact Analysis
 EIAP    Environmental Impact Analysis Process
 EIR    Environmental Impact Report
 EIS    Environmental Impact Statement
 EITM    Environmental Information Technology Management
 EL/RAMP    Environmental Legislative/Regulatory Analysis and Monitoring Program
 EL/RAMP-F    EL/RAMP, Federal
 EL/RAMP-S    EL/RAMP, State
 ELCCE    Environmental Life Cycle Cost Estimates
 ELD    Environmental Law Division
 ELS    Environmental Law Specialist
 EMMA    Explosives Munitions Manufacturing Area
  EMR    Environmental Management Review
 EMS    Environmental Management System
 EMT    Environmental Management Team
 ENF    Enforcement Action
 ENMP    Environmental Noise Management Program
 ENVEIS    Environmental Engineering Information System
 EO    Executive Order
 EOD    Explosive Ordnance Disposal
 EPA    Environmental Protection Agency
 EPAR    Environmental Program Assessment Report
 EPA-RTP    EPA-Research Triangle Park
 EPAS    Environmental Performance Assessment System
  EPCRA    Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act
 EPCRA-TRI    Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act-Toxic Release Inventory
 EPIC    Environmental Process Improvement Center
 EPR    Environmental Program Requirements
 EPR    Extended Product Responsibility
 EPRWeb    Environmental Program Requirements Web
 EPS    Environmental Performance Standards
 EQ    Environmental Quality
 EQB    Environmental Quality Board
 EQCC    Environmental Quality Control Committee
 EQIA    Environmental Quality Impact Analysis
 EQLCCE    Environmental Quality Life Cycle Cost Estimate
 EQR    Environmental Quality Report
 EQT    Environmental Quality Technology
 E&RC    Environmental and Readiness Center
 ER    Engineer Regulation
 ER    Environmental Restoration
 ER, A    Environmental Restoration
 ERA    Ecological Risk Assessment, Army
 ERC    Emission Reduction Credit
 ERCM    Environmental Regulatory Climate Model
 ERDC    (U.S. Army) Engineer Research and Development Center
 ERIS    Environmental Restoration Information System
 ER-L    Environmental Response-Low
 ERNS    Emergency Response Notification System
 ERP    Environmental Restoration Program
 ERRS    Emergency and Rapid Response Services
 ERTP    Environmental Response Training Program
 ESA    Endangered Species Act
 ESC    EQT Steering Committee
  ESD    Explanation of Significant Differences
 ESH    Environmental, Safety and Health
 ESI    Expanded Site Inspection
 ESMG    Endangered Species Management Guideline
 ESMP    Endangered Species Management Plan
 ESOH    Environment, Safety, and Occupational Health
 ESRM    Environmental Support to Ranges and Munitions
 ESTCP    Environmental Security Technology Certification Program
 ESTCP    Environmental Strategic Technology Certification Program
 ESTRG    Environmental Security Technology Requirements Group
 ETI    Extraction, Treatment, and Infiltration
 ETMD    Environmental Training and Management Division
 ETR    Extraction, Treatment, and Reinjection
 ETTC    Environmental Technology Transfer Committee
 ETWG    Environmental Training Workgroup
 EVR    Enhanced Vapor Recovery
 EW    Extraction Well


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 FAA    Federal Aviation Administration
 FACNET    Federal Acquisition Computer Network
 FAD    Funding Authorization Document
 FAQs    Frequently Asked Questions
 FAR    Federal Acquisition Regulations
 FARA    Federal Acquisition Reform Act
 FASA    Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act
 FASTT    Field Assistance Support and Technology Transfer
 FCA    Full Cost Accounting
 FCCC    Framework Convention on Climate Change
 FDA    Federal Drug Administration
 FDEP    Florida Department of Environmental Protection
 FDNR    Florida Department of Natural Resources
 FEIR    Final Environmental Impact Report
 FEIS    Final Environmental Impact Statement
 FEMA    (U.S.) Federal Emergency Management Agency
 FES    Fielding Environmental Solutions
 FFA    Federal Facility Agreement
 FFCA    Federal Facilities Compliance Act
 FFEO    Federal Facilities Enforcement Office
 FFERDC    Federal Facilities Environmental Restoration Dialogue Committee
 FFP    Firm Fixed Price
 FFS    Focused Feasibility Study
 FFSRA    Federal Facility Site Remediation Agreement
 FGS    Final Governing Standards
 FHM    Forest Health Monitoring
 FIFRA    Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act
 Flam    Flammable
 FLETC    Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
 FM    Facilities Management
 FMR    Fair Market Rent
 FMU    Forest Management Unit
 FOA    Field Operating Activity
 FOIA    Freedom of Information Act
 FONSI    Finding Of No Significant Impact
 FORSCOM    (U.S. Army) Forces Command
 FOSET    Finding of Suitability to Early Transfer
 FOSL    Finding of Suitability to Lease
 FOST    Finding of Suitability to Transfer
 FOTW    Federally Owned Treatment Works
 FOUO    For Official Use Only
 FoV    Family of Vehicles
 FPI    Fixed Price Incentive
 FR    Federal Register
 FRA    Final Remedial Action
 FRTR    Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable
 FS    Feasibility Study
 FSP    Field Sampling Plan
 Ft    feet
 FTA    Fire Training Area
 FTC    Federal Track Coordinator
 FTIR    Fourier Transform Infrared System
 FUA    Facility Use Agreement
 FUDS    Formerly Used Defense Sites
 FWCA    Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act
 FWPCA    Federal Water Pollution Control Act
 FY    Fiscal year
 FYDP    Future Year Defense Plan


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 G3    Staff operations office at Army division level or above
 G4    Staff logistics office at Army division level or above
 GAC    Granular Activated Carbon
 Gal/d    Gallons per day
 GAO    General Accounting Office
 GC    Gas Chromatographic
 GC    Garrison Commander
 GC/MS    Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer
 GCP    General Construction Permit
 GETS    Groundwater Extraction and Treatment System
 GFPR     Guaranteed Fixed Price Remediation
 GIS    Geographic Information System
 G&M    Gun and Mortar
 GMS    Groundwater Modeling System
 GO    General Officer
 GOCO    Government-Owned, Contractor-Operated
 GPS     Global Positioning System
 GPD    Gallons Per Day
 GPM    Gallons per minute
 GPO    Government Printing Office
 GPR    Ground Penetrating Radar
 GPRA    Government Performance and Results Act
 GRFL    Groundwater Remediation Field Laboratory
 GSA    General Services Administration
 GW    Groundwater
 GW OU   Groundwater Operating Unit
 GWAAP    Groundwater Assessment and Abatement Plan
 GWETER    Groundwater Extraction and Treatment Effectiveness Reviews
 GWQA    Groundwater Quality Assessment
 GWTP    Groundwater Treatment Plan

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 HA    Health Assessment
 Ha    Hectares
 HAP    Hazardous Air Pollutant
 HAZMAT    Hazardous Materials
 HAZWOPER    Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response
 HAZWRAP    Hazardous Waste Remedial Actions Program
 HB    House Bill
 HE    High Explosives
 HEAST    Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables
 HFCs    Hydrofluorcarbons
 HGA    Houston/Galveston Area
 HHW    Household Waste
 HI    Hazard Index
 HJR    House Joint Resolution
 HM    Hazardous Material
 HMIRS    Hazardous Materials Information Resource System
 HMIS    Hazardous Material Information System
 HMIWI    Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerator
 HMMP    Hazardous Materials Management Program
 HMTA    Hazardous Materials Transportation Act
  HMX    cyclotetramethylene
 HMX    High Melting Point Explosive
 HN    Host Nation
 HPC    Historic Properties Component
 HPLC    High Performance Liquid Chromatography
 HQ    Headquarters
 HQ FORSCOM    Headquarters US Army Forces Command
 HQDA    Headquarters, Department of the Army
 HQDA, G-3    Headquarters, Department of the Army G-3 (Operations)
 HQDA, G-4    Headquarters, Department of the Army G-4 (Logistics)
 HRR    Historical Records Review
 HRS    Hazard Ranking System
 HRS2     Hazardous Ranking System Score
 HRVOC    Highly Reactive Volatile Organic Compounds
 HSB    House Study Bill
 HSMS    Hazardous Substance Management System
 HSP    Health and Safety Plan
 HSSA    Health Service Support Area
 HSWA    Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984
 HTRW    Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste
 HTW    Hazardous and Toxic Waste
 HUTA    High-use Target Area
 HVLP    High Volume Low Pressure
 HW    Hazardous Waste


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 I&M    Inspection and Maintenance
 IA    Installation Assessment
 IAGWSP    Impact Area Groundwater Study Program
 I/I    Infiltration and Inflow
 IAAP    Iowa Army Ammunition Plant
 IAC    Iowa Administrative Code
 IAG    Interagency Agreement
 IAP    Installation Action Plan
 IART    Impact Area Review Team
 IAS    Initial Assessment Study
 IBR    Incorporated by Reference
 IC    Installation Commander
 ICAP    Installation Corrective Action Plan
 ICM    Interim Corrective Measure
 ICRMP    Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan
 ID    Identification
 IDIQ    Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity
 IDNR    Iowa Department of Natural Resources
 IDSR    Interim Data Summary Report
 IDW    Investigation-Derived Waste
  IESWTR    Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule
 IETO    Interagency Environmental Technologies Office
 IG    Inspector General
 IGC    Independent Government Cost Estimate
 IGCE    Independent Government Cost Estimate
 IIA    Initial Installation Assessment
 IIAP    Installation Internal Assessment Plan
   Installation Steering Committee
 ILA    Initial Installation Assessment
 IM    Interim Measures
 IMA    Installation Management Agency
 IMCOM    Installation Management Command
 IMI    Installation Management Institute
 IMLUCC    Interagency Military Land Use Coordination Committee
 IMR    Installation Management Region Office
 INRMP    Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan
 INSTEP    International Society of Technical and Environmental Professionals
 IPCC    Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change
 IPM    Integrated Pest Management
 IMP(C)    Implementation (Construction)
 IMP(O)    Implementation (Operation)
 INV    Investigation
 IPMC    Installation Pest Management Coordinator
 IPMP    Integrated Pest Management Plan
 IPR    In Process Review
 IPR    In Progress Review
 IPT    Integrated Process Team
 IRA    Interim Remedial Action
 IRDMIS    Installation Restoration Data Management Information System
 IRIS    Integrated Risk Information System
 IRP    Installation Restoration Program
 IS    Industry Standard
 ISC    Information Systems Command
 ISCO    In situ Chemical Oxidation
 ISCP    Installation Spill Contingency Plan
 ISEERB    Interservice Environmental Education Review Board
 ISMA    Installation Support Management Activity
 ISO    International Organization for Standardization
 ISP    Installation Sustainability Programs
 ISR    Installation Status Report
 ISR-II    Installation Status Report-Environment
 ISSA    Inter/Intra-Service Support Agreement
 ISV    In situ Volatilization
 ISWM    Integrated Solid Waste Management
 ISWMP    Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan
 ITAM    Integrated Training Area Management
 ITR    Independent Technical Reviews
 ITRC    Interstate Technology Regulatory Council
 ITRO    Interservice Training Review Organization
 IW    Industrial Waste
 IWAM    Installation Workplan Analysis Module
 IWFMP    Integrated Wildland Fire Management Plan
 IWTF    Industrial Wastewater Treatment Facility
 IWTP    Industrial Waste Treatment Plant
 IWWS    Industrial Waste Water Sewer


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   Johnston Atoll Chemical Agent Disposal System
 JCS    Joint Chiefs of Staff
 JG-APP    Joint Group on Acquisition Pollution Prevention
 JMC    Joint Munitions Command
 JP-4    Jet Propellant Number 4
 JRTC    Joint Readiness Training Center

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   Kansas Administrative Rules
 Kansas City Metropolitan Area
 KDA    Kansas Department of Agriculture
 KDHE    Kansas Department of Health and Environment
 Kg    Kilogram
 KO    Contracting Officer
 kW    Kilowatt

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 L    Liter
 LAC    Louisiana Administrative Code
 LACMD    Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense
 LAMW    Low-Activity Mixed Waste
 LANL    Los Alamos National Laboratory
 LAP    Load, Assemble And Pack
 LAP    Load-Assemble-Package
  LB    Legislative Bill
 LBP    Lead-Based Paint
 LCAAP    Lake City Army Ammunition Plant
 LCCE    Life-Cycle Cost Estimates
 LCM    Land Condition Module
 LCTA    Land Condition Trend Analysis
 LD    Legal Driver
 LDEQ    Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality
 LDR    Land Disposal Restriction
 LEL    Lower Explosive Limit
 LEPC    Local Emergency Planning Committee
 LF    Landfill
 LIA    Logistics Integration Agency
 LID    Low Impact Development
 LLRW    Low-Level Radioactive Waste
 LOCID    Location Identification
 LOEL    Lowest Observed Effects Level
 LOI    Letter of Instruction
 LPDES    Louisiana Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
 LPST    Leaking Petroleum Storage Tank
 LQG    Large Quantity Generator
 LRA    Local Redevelopment Authority
 LRAM    Land Rehabilitation and Maintenance
 LSI    Listing Site Inspection
 LT1ESWTR    Long Term 1 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule
 LT2ESWTR    Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule
    LT3    Low Temperature Thermo Treatment
 LTM    Long-Term Monitoring
 LTO    Long-Term Operation
 LUC    Land Use Control
 LUPZ    Land Use Planning Zone
 LURS    Land Use Requirements Statement


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 M2R    Military Munitions Rule
 MAAP    Milan Army Ammunition Plant
 MACOM    Major Army Command
 MACT    Maximum Achievable Control Technology
 MAG    Magazine
 MAINT    Maintenance
 MAIS    Major Automated Information System
 MAJCOM    Major Command
 MARKS    Modern Army Record Keeping System
 MARSSIM    Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual
 MATL    Material
 MBTA    Migratory Bird Treaty Act
 MC    Munitions Constituents
 MCA    Military Construction, Army
 MCB    Marine Corps Base
 MCAAP    McAlester Army Ammunition Plant
 MCAGCC    Marine Corps Air-Ground Combat Center
 MCAS    Marine Corps Air Station
 MCL    Maximum Contaminant Level
 MCLB    Marine Corps Logistics Base
 MCLG    Maximum Contaminant Level Goal
 MDAP    Major Defense Acquisition Program
 MDC    Maximum Detected Concentration
 MDL    Method detection limit
 MDNR    Maryland Department of Natural Resources
 MDNR    Missouri Department of Natural Resources
 MDS    Minimum Desirable Streamflow
 MDW    Military District of Washington
 MEC    Munitions and Explosives of Concern
 MEDCEN    Medical Center
 MEDCOM    U.S. Army Medical Command
 MEDDAC    Medical Department Activity
 MEG    Military Environmental Group
 MEK    Methyl Ethyl Ketone
 MEP    Master Environmental Plan
 MEPS    Material/Environmental/Packaging/Special Process
 MET    Material/Environment Team
 MFR    Memorandum for Record
 Mg    milligrams
 mg/kg    Milligrams per Kilogram
 mg/L    Milligram per liter
 mg/yr    Megagrams per year
 MGD    Million Gallons Per Day
 MIDIS    Military Item Disposal Instruction System
 MILCON    Military Construction
 MIPR    military interdepartmental purchase request
 MLRS    Multi Launch Rocket System
 MMR    Massachusetts Military Reservation
 MMRP    Military Munitions Response Program
  MNA    Monitored Natural Attenuation
 MOA    Memorandum of Agreement
 MOARNG    Missouri Army National Guard
 MOGAS    Motor Gasoline
 MOM    Measure of Merit
 MOS    Military Occupational Specialty
 MOU    Memorandum of Understanding
 MP    Military Police
 MP    Mortar Position
 MP&M    Metal Products and Machinery
 MPEO    Master Plan Environmental Overlay
 MPF    Migration Pathway Factor
 MPH    Miles Per Hour
 MPPEH    Management of Material Presenting Potential Explosive Hazard
 MPRSA    Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act
 MPS    Minimum Performance Standards
 MR    Military Munitions Rule
 MRDLGs    Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level Goals
 mrem    millirem
 mrem/yr    millirem per year
 MS4    Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System
 MSC    Major Subordinate Command
 MSC    Mission Support Contract
 MSDS    Material Safety Data Sheet
 MSL    Mean Sea Level
 MSW    Municipal Solid Waste
 MSWG    Multi-State Working Group
 MSWLF    Municipal Solid Waste Landfill
 MSWTS    Municipal Solid Waste Transfer Station
 MTBE    Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether
 MTC    Maneuver Training Center
 MTF    Medical Treatment Facility
 MTMC    Military Traffic Management Command
 MVEB    Motor Vehicle Emission Budget
 MVECP    Motor Vehicle and Engine Compliance Program
 MW    Monitoring Well
 MWC    Municipal Waste Combustion
 MWG    Munitions Workgroup
 MWR    Morale, Welfare, and Recreation


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   Natural Attenuation
 NAAQS    National Ambient Air Quality Standard
 NAD    Naval Ammunition Depot
 NAGPRA    Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act
 NAICS    North American Industry Classification System
 NAPL    Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid
 NAS    Naval Air Station
 NAS    National Aerospace Standard
 NASA    National Aeronautics and Space Administration
 NATO    North Atlantic Treaty Organization
 NAVFAC    Naval Facilities Engineering Command
 NAWC    Naval Air Warfare Center
 NAWS    Naval Air Weapons Station
 NBC    Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical
 NCO    Noncommissioned Officer
 NCP    National Oil and Hazardous Substances Contingency Plan
 NCPTT    National Center for Preservation Technology and Training
 NCS    Naval Communication Station
 ND    Non-Detect
 NDAA    National Defense Authorization Act
 NDCEE    National Defense Center for Environmental Excellence
 NDEQ    Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality
 NDIA    National Defense Industrial Association
 NDMA    N-nitrosodimethylamine
 NE    Not Evaluated
 NEETF    National Environmental Education & Training Foundation
 NELP    Navy Environmental Leadership Program
 NEPA    National Environmental Policy Act
 NEPAIC    National Environmental Policy Act Implementation Course
 NERO IMA    Northeast Regional Office of the Installation Management Agency
 NESHAP    National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
 NETDP    National Environmental Technology Demonstration Program
 NFA    No Further Action
NFESC    Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center
 NFPA    National Fire Protection Association
 NFRAP    No Further Response Action Planned
 NG    National Guard
 NGB    National Guard Bureau
 NGWA    National Ground Water Association
 NHPA    National Historic Preservation Act
 NMAC    New Mexico Administrative Code
 NMED    New Mexico Environment Department
 NOAA    National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
 NOD    Notice of Deficiency
 NOI    Notice of Intent
 NOID    Notice of Intent to Delete
 NOR    Notice Of Responsibility
 NORM    Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material
 NOV    Notice of Violation
 NOx    Nitrogen Oxides
 NPDES    National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
 NPDWR    National Primary Drinking Water Regulation
 NPL    National Priorities List
 NPS    National Park Service
 NPS    Nonpoint Source
 NQ    Nitroguanidine
 NR    Not Required
 NRC    National Research Council
 NRC    Nuclear Regulatory Commission
 NRCS    Natural Resources Conservation Service
 NRD    Natural Resource Damage
 NRDA    Natural Resource Damage Assessment
 NREO    Northern Regional Environmental Office
 NREP    National Registry of Environmental Professionals
 NRHP    National Register of Historic Places
 NRI    National Resources Inventory
 NRI    Natural Resource Injury
 NRM    Natural Resource Management
 NRT    Natural Resource Trustee
 NRT    National Response Team
 NRTC    National Research Trustee Council
 NSDWR    National Secondary Drinking Water Regulation
 NSP    New Source Performance
 NSPS    New Source Performance Standards
 NSR    New Source Review
 NSWC    Naval Surface Warfare Center
 NTE    Not To Exceed
 NTI    National Toxics Inventory
 NTIS    National Technical Information Service
 NWCG    National Wildfire Coordinating Group
 NWIRP    Naval Weapons Industrial Reserve Plant
 NWRO IMA    Northwest Regional Office of the Installation Management Agency
  NYS DEC    New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

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 O&M    Operation and Maintenance
 OAC    Oklahoma Administrative Code
 OACSIM    Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management
 OAR    Office of Air and Radiation
 OASA (I&E)    Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Logistics and Environment Installations
 OB/OD    Open Burning/Open Detonation
 OC    Office of Counsel
 OCLL    Office of the Chief, Legislative Liaison
 OCONUS    Outside the Continental United States
 OCPA    Office of the Chief of Public Affairs
 OD    Open Detonation
 ODASA    Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army
 ODASA-CE    Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Cost and Economics
 ODC    Ozone-Depleting Chemical
 ODCSOPS    Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans
 ODEC    Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality
 ODEP    Office of the Director of Environmental Programs
 ODUSD (ES)    Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Environmental Security
 OE    Ordnance and Explosives
 OEBGD    Overseas Environmental Baseline Guidance Document
 OECA    U.S. EPA Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance
 OEESCM    Operational and Environmental Executive Steering Committee on Munitions
 OEMS    Original Equipment Manufacturers
 OERR    Office of Emergency and Remedial Response
 OEW    Ordnance and Explosive Waste
 OFEE    Office of the Federal Environmental Executive
 OFR    Office of the Federal Register
 OGC    Office of General Counsel
 OIPT    Overarching Integration Process Team
 OMA    Operation and Maintenance Account
 OMA    Operations and Maintenance and Army
 OMB    Office of Management and Budget
 OMEG    Oklahoma Military Environmental Group
 OPA    Office of Public Affairs
 OPA    Other Procurements Army
 OPM    Office of Personnel Management
 OPORD    Operation Order
 OPPA    Oil Pollution and Prevention Act
 OPPT    U.S. EPA Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics
 OPSEC    Operations Security
 ORC    Office of Regional Counsel
 ORD    Operational Requirements Document
 ORISE    Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
 ORNL    Oak Ridge National Laboratory
 ORV    Off-Road Vehicle
 ORVR    Onboard Refueling Vapor Recovery
 OSC    On-Scene Coordinator
 OSD    Office of the Secretary of Defense
 OSHA    Occupational Safety and Health Administration
 OSPRA    Oil Spill Prevention and Response Act
 OSSF    On-Site Sewage Facility
 OSW    U.S. EPA Office of Solid Waste
 OSWER    Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response
 OTJAG    Office of the Judge Advocate General
 OTSG    Office of the Surgeon General
 OU    Operable Unit
 OUST    U.S. EPA Office of Underground Storage Tanks
 OWS    Oil/Water Separator


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 P2    Pollution Prevention
 P2&ETD    Pollution Prevention and Environmental Technology Division
 PA    Programmatic Agreement
 PA    Preliminary Agreement
 PA/SI    Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection
 PA/VSI    Preliminary Assessment and Visual Site Inspection
 PAA    Program Assistance Announcement
 PACAF    Pacific Air Forces
 PAH    Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbon
 PAL    Plant-wide Applicability Limitation
 PAM    Pamphlet
 PAMS    Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations
 PAO    Public Affairs Office
 PAPA    Pollution Abatement and Prevention Analysis
 PAS    Preliminary Assessment Statement
 PASS    Permit Application Software System
 PASS    Procurement Automated Source System
 PAT    Process Action Team
 PAYT    Pays As You Throw
 PB    President's Budget
 PBC    Performance-Based Contracting
 PBD    Program Budget Decision
 PBDE    Polybrominated diphenyl ethers
 PBR    Permit By Rule
 PBT    Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxin
 PCB    Polychlorinated Biphenyl
 PCDR    Permanent Cleanup Document Repository
 PCE    Tetrachloroethylene
 PCi/kg    Pico curies per kilogram
 PCi/l    Pico curies per liter
 PD    Policy Decision
 PDM    Program Decision Memorandum
 PDO    Property Disposal Office
 PDSC    Professional Development Support Center
 PEAR    Project Accounting Report
 PEECP    Pilot Expedited Environmental Cleanup Program
 PEIS    Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement
 PEMS    Predictive Emission Monitoring Systems
 PEO    Program Executive Office
 PER    Permitting for Environmental Results
 PESHE    Programmatic Environment, Safety, and Health Evaluation
 PF    Problem Formulation
 PFCs    Perfluorinated Carbons
 PFTC    Prescribed Fire Training Center
 PGRS    Plume Groundwater Recovery System
 PHC    Petroleum Hydrocarbons
 PID    Photoionization Detector
 PIP    Public Involvement Plan
 PL    Public Law
 PLANTS    Plant list of Accepted Nomenclature, Taxonomy, and Symbols
 PLDC    Primary Leadership Development Course
 PLI    Private Lands Initiative
 PLS    Planning Level Survey
 PM    Particulate Matter
 PM    Pest Management
 PM    Program, Project, or Product Manager
 PMC    Pest Management Consultant
 PMCD    Program Manager, Chemical Demilitarization
 PMO    Program Management Office
 PMQAE    Pest Management Quality Assurance Evaluator
 PO    Project Officer
 POC    Point Of Contact
 POD    Pacific Ocean Division
 POL    Petroleum, Oil, Lubricants
 POM    Program Objective Memorandum
 POTW    Publicly Owned Treatment Works
 POV    Privately-Owned Vehicle
 POW    Prisoner of War
 PP    Proposed Plan
 PPB    Parts Per Billion
 PPBES    Programming, Planning, Budgeting, and Execution System
 PPBS    Planning Programming and Budgeting System
 PPM    Part Per Million
 PPMP    Professional Pest Management Personnel
 PR    Procurement Request
 PRG    Preliminary Remediation Goal
 PRP    Potentially Responsible Party
 PSD    Prevention of Significant Deterioration
 PST    Petroleum Storage Tank
 PSTFF    Petroleum Storage Tank Trust Fund
 PTE    Potential To Emit
 PTT    Pillar Technology Teams
 PVC    Polyvinyl chloride
 PWS    Public Water System
  PY    Prior Year


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   Quality Assurance/Quality Control
 QAPP    Quality Assurance Program Plan
 QAPP    Quality Assurance Project Plan
 QRP    Qualified Recycling Program


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   Research and Development
 RA    Remedial Action
 RA    Removal Action
 RA    Risk Assessment
 RA(C)    Remedial Action - Construction
 RA(O)    Remedial Action - Operation
 RAB    Restoration Advisory Board
 RAC    Risk Assessment Code
 RACER    Remedial Action Cost Engineering Requirements
 RACM    Reasonably Available Control Measures
 RACT    Reasonably Available Control Technology
 RAO    Remedial Action Operation
 RAOP    Remedial Action - Operation
 RAP    Remedial Action Plan
 RBAC    Recycling and Reuse Business Assistance Center
 RBC    Risk Based Corrective Action
 RBCA    Risk Based Corrective Action
 RC    Regional Command
 RC    Response Complete
 RCI    Residential Communities Initiative
 RCRA    Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
 RCRIS    RCRA Information System
 RCS    Reports Control System
 RCTCS    Restoration Cost To Complete System
 RCW    Red-Cockaded Woodpecker
 RD    Remedial Design
 RD&D    Research, Development and Demonstration
 RD/RA    Remedial Design and Remedial Action
 RDO    Research and Development Office
 RDT&E    Research, Development, Testing and Evaluation
 RDX    Royal Demolition eXplosive
 REA    Regional Executive Agent
 REC    Record of Environmental Consideration
 REC    Regional Environmental Center
 REGFORM    Regulatory Environmental Group for Missouri
 REM    Removal
 REO    Regional Environmental Office
 RF    Receptor Factor
 RFA    RCRA Facility Assessment
 RfC    Reference Concentration
 RfD    Reference Dose
 RFG    Reformulated Gasoline
 RFI    RCRA Facility Investigation
 RFP    Request for Proposal
 RFR    Request for Response
 RI    Remedial Investigation
 RI/FS    Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study
 RI/RA    Remedial Investigation / Risk Assessment
 RICE    Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engine
 RIFSAP    Remedial Investigation Field Sampling and Analysis Plan
 RIP    Remedies in Place
 RMAN    Recovered Materials Advisory Notice
 RMIS    Restoration Management Information System
 RMP    Risk Management Plan
 ROD    Record of Decision
 ROTC    Reserve Officers' Training Corps
 RPM    Remedial Project Manager
 RPMA    Real Property Maintenance Account
 RPMP    Real Property Master Plan
 RPR    Repair
 RPTS    Reimbursable Programs Tracking System
 RRA    Rapid Response Action
 RRAD    Red River Army Depot
 RRC    Requirements Review Council
 RRSE    Relative Risk Site Evaluation
 RRT    Regional Response Team
 RSC    Regional Support Center
 RSC    Regional Support Command
 RSC    Reserve Support Command
 RSUG    Remote Sensing User Guide
 RWQCB    Regional Water Quality Control Board

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 S&A    Supervision and Administration
 S&R    Supervision and Remediation
 SA    Secretary of the Army
 SACM    Superfund Accelerated Cleanup Model
 SADBU    Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization
 SAF    Subject to Availability of Funds
 SAFER    Streamline Approach for Environmental Restoration
 SAME    Society of American Military Engineers
 SAP    Sampling and Analysis Plan
 SARA    Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986
 SAT    Simplified Acquisition Threshold
 SATA    Superfund Analytical Technical Assistance
 SB    Senate Bill
 SBA    Small Business Administration
 SC    Site Closeout
 SCA    Service Contract Act
 SCA    Student Conservation Association
 SCAPS    Site Characterization and Analysis Penetrometer System
 SCP    Spill Contingency Plan
 SDC    Strategic Defense Command
 SDD    Sustainable Design and Development
 SDSDIE    Spatial Data Standards for Facilities Infrastructure and Environment
 SDWA    Safe Drinking Water Act
 SDWAA    Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments
 SDWIS    Safe Drinking Water Information System
 SEA    Strategic Environmental Assessment
 SECDEF    Secretary of Defense
 SEP    System Engineering Process
 SERC    State Emergency Response Commission
 SERDP    Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program
 SERO IMA    Southeast Regional Office of the Installation Management Agency
 SERO IMA-ARD    Southeast Regional Office of the Installation Management Agency - Army Reserve Division
 SES    Senior Executive Service
 SF    Slope Factor
 SHA    Site Hazard Assessment
 SHPO    State Historic Preservation Officer
 SI    Site Inspection
 SIC    Standard Industrial Classification
 SIFO    Site Investigation Follow-on
 SIP    State Implementation Plan
 SITE    Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation
 SJA    Staff Judge Advocate
 SM    Senate Measure
 SMCLs    Secondary Maximum Contaminant Levels
 SOC    Statement of Condition
 SOFA    Status of Forces Agreement
 SOH    Safety and Occupational Health
 SOP    Standard Operating Procedure; also Standing Operating Procedure
 SOU    Source Operable Unit
 SOW    Statement of Work
 SOW    Scope of Work
 SPCC    Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure
 SPCCP    Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures Plan
 SPEIM    System Performance and Ecological Impact Monitoring
 SPiRiT    Sustainable Project Rating Tool
 SQG    Small Quantity Generator
 SQI    Submerged Quench Incinerator
 SRAMP    State Regulatory Analysis and Monitoring Program
 SRCPP    Solvent Refined Coal Pilot Plant
 SREO    Southern Regional Environmental Office
 SRM    Sustainment, Restoration, and Maintenance
 SRP    Sustainable Range Program
 SRTV    Soldiers Radio and Television
 SS    Surface Soil
 SSA    Sewage Sludge Application
 SSES    Sewer System Evaluation Survey
 SSI    Site Screening Inspection
 SSL    Soil Screening Level
 SSO    Sanitary Sewer Overflow
 START    Superfund Technical Assistance and Response Team
 STCL    Soil Target Cleanup Level
 Std    Standard
 STGE    Storage
 STM    Short-Term Measure
 STP    Sewage Treatment Plant
 SVE    Soil Vapor Extraction
 SVOC    Semi Volatile Organic Compound
 SW    Storm Water
 SW    Surface water
 SWARS    Solid Waste Annual Reporting System
 SWDA    Solid Waste Disposal Act
 SWMU    Solid Waste Management Unit
 SWQS    Surface Water Quality Standards
 SWRO IMA    Southwest Regional Office of the Installation Management Agency


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 T for C    Terminate for Convenience
 T&E    Threatened and Endangered Species
 T&M    Time and Material
 TAC    Texas Administrative Code
 TACOM    Tank-automotive and Armaments Command
 TAG    Technical Assistance Grant
 TAPP    Technical Assistance for Public Participation
 TARDEC    Tank and Automotive Research, Development & Engineering Center
 TB    Technical Bulletin
 TB MED    Technical Bulletin, Medical
 TBD     To Be Determined
 TC    Training Circular
 TCA    Trichloroethane
 TCE    Trichloroethylene
 TCEQ    Texas Commission on Environment Quality
 TCL    Target Compound List
 TCLP    Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure
 TCM    Transportation Control Measure
 TCP    trichloropropane
 TCRA    Time-Critical Removal Action
 TDS    Total Dissolved Solids
 TEAM    The Environmental Assessment Management
 TECOM    Test and Evaluation Command
 TEMP    Template Environmental Management Plan
 TERC    Total Environmental Restoration Contracts
 TERP    Texas Emissions Reduction Plan
 THPO    Tribal Historic Preservation Officer
 TI    Technical Impractibility
 TIC    Technical Information Center
 TIM    Transformation of Installation Management
 TIM    Technical Information Memorandum
 TIPPP    Tidewater Interagency Pollution Prevention Program
 TJAG    The Judge Advocate General
 TM    Technical Manual
 TMDL    Total Maximum Daily Load
 TNC    The Nature Conservancy
 TNRCC    Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission
 TNT    Trinitrotoluene
 TO    Task Order
 TOA    Trace Organic Analysis
 TOA    Total Obligation Authority
 TOSC    Technical Outreach Services for Communities
 TPDES    Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
 TPH    Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons
 TPM    Technical Project Manager
 TPY    Tons Per Year
 TRADOC    Training and Doctrine Command
 TRC    Technical Review Committee
 TRI    Toxic Release Inventory
 TRI-DDS    Toxic Release Inventory-Data Delivery System
 TRRP    Texas Risk Reduction Program
 TSCA    Toxic Substances Control Act
 TSD    Training Support Division
 TSD    Treatment, Storage or Disposal
 TSDF    Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility
 TSDR    Treatment, Storage, Disposal and Recycling
 TSG    The Surgeon General
 TSP    Total Suspended Particulates
 TSS    Total Suspended Solids
 TU    Temporary Unit
 TXEP    Texas Environmental Partnership


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 UDEQ    Utah Department of Environmental Quality
 UDLPGSD    United Defense Limited Partnership Ground Division
 UFR    Unfinanced Requirement
 ug/g    Micrograms per gram
 ug/l    Microgram Per Liter
 UIC    Underground Injection Control
 URA    Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970
 USAAA    U.S. Army Audit Agency
 USACE    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
 USACERL    U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratories
 USACHPPM    U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine
 USACMDA    U.S. Army Chemical Materiel Destruction Agency
 USACOE    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
 USAEC    U.S. Army Environmental Center
 USAEC    U.S. Army Environmental Command
  USAEHA    U.S. Army Environmental Hygiene Agency (currently called USACHPPM)
 USAES    U.S. Army Engineer School
 USAFA    U.S. Air Force Academy
 USAFE    U.S. Air Force Europe
 USAG    U.S. Army Garrison
 USAG-AK    U.S. Army Garrison, Alaska
 USAIC    U.S. Army Infantry Center
 USAIS    U.S. Army Infantry School
 USAMC    U.S. Army Materiel Command
 USAMRAA    U.S. Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity
 USAPHC    U.S. Army Public Health Command
 USAR    U.S. Army Reserves
 USARC    U.S. Army Reserve Command
 USAREUR    U.S. Army Europe
 USARJ    U.S. Army Japan
 USARNG    U.S. Army National Guard
 USARPAC    U.S. Army Pacific
 USARSO    U.S. Army Southern Command
 USASSDC    U.S. Army Space and Strategic Defense Command
 USATHAMA    U.S. Army Toxic and Hazardous Materials Agency (currently called USAEC)
 USC    United States Code
 USCG    U.S. Coast Guard
 USD(AT&L)    Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology and Logistics)
 USDA    U.S. Department of Agriculture
 USDA-FS    U.S. Department of Agriculture - Forest Service
 USDA-SCS    U.S. Department of Agriculture - Soil Conservation Service
 USEPA    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
 USFS    U.S. Forest Service
 USFWS    U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
 USGS    U.S. Geological Survey
 USMA    U.S. Military Academy
 USNA    U.S. Naval Academy
 USSMDC    U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command
 UST    Underground Storage Tank
 UTL    Upper Tolerance Limit
 UTES    Unit Training Equipment Site
 UVA    Ultraviolet A
 UVB    Ultraviolet B
 UXO    Unexploded Ordnance


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 VEH    Vehicle
 VOC    Volatile Organic Compound
 VRP    Voluntary Remediation Program
 VSI    Visual Site Inspection

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   Wilderness Act
 WBS    Work Breakdown Structure
 WCAP    Wastewater Compliance Assessment Protocol
 WES    Corps of Engineers Waterways Experimental Station
 WET    Whole Effluent Toxicity
 WIN/INFORMED    Waste Information Needs/Information Needs for Making Environmental Decisions
 WMM    Waste Military Munitions
 WPM    Waste Profile Notice
 WQBEL    Water Quality Based Effluent Limit
 WQI    Watershed Quality Index
 WQMP    Water Quality Management Plan
 WREO    Western Regional Environmental Office
 WRMP    Water Resources Management Plan
 WSRA    Wild and Scenic Rivers Act
 WTA    Wash Rack/Treatment Area
 WWT    Wastewater Treatment
 WWTP    Wastewater Treatment Plant
 WWTS    Wastewater Treatment System
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   X-Ray Fluorescence

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