Office of the Command Surgeon (OCSURG)

Mission Statement:

  • Advise the USAREUR Commander on the health and medical readiness of USAREUR units
  • Synchronize all aspects of combat health support and garrison healthcare
  • Ensure medical force is trained and ready
  • On order, plan, coordinate and synchronize health service support during limited operations in a Joint/Combined environment

Organization and Structure:

Medical Operations

The Medical Operations Branch functions as the clearinghouse for all staff products produced by OCSURG. It is responsible for updating and maintaining the common operating picture for all medical assets operating in the AOR. 

Support Operations

The Support Operations Branch functions as the principal policy development arm for the Surgeon.  It provides the Clinical, Medical Personnel, Force Health Protection, Medical Readiness, Medical Information Management / Information Technology and Medical Logistics expertise for the Surgeon.

Summary of Staff Functions;

  • Plan, coordinate, monitor, and sync Army Health System activities
  • Develop and coordinate medical evacuation and medical regulating plans, policies, and procedures; manage medical evacuations in and out of theater
  • Determine the health threat and provide advice on CBRNE weapons
  • Consultation for Veterinary services for food inspection, animal medical care, and vet preventive med programs
  • Provide advice on medical automation systems and programs
  • Provide medical input to estimates, plans, and orders
  • Develop policy for health service, vet service, environmental science, and medical logistics
  • Provide recommendations on the priority of assignments for all AMEDD officer and warrant officer positions and recommends assignment of enlisted AMEDD personnel
  • Coordinate foreign humanitarian assistance, disaster relief, and medical response to weapons of mass destruction
  • Command Surgeon is a personal staff officer to the CG

Office of the Command Surgeon Current Operations

  1. 1. Training and preparing full spectrum capable forces for global employment

      •  TF Med Falcon (TFMF) validation/oversight
      •  EFMB Training/Testing 
      •  68W Sustainment
      • Fielding/Modernization/Reset/LBE/Maintenance of Medical Equipment
      • Medical Assessments/Site Surveys
  2. 2. Strengthening alliances and building partner capacity and capability

      •  Bundeswehr Incorporation of US Medical Doctrine
      •  Joint/Combined Exercise Planning
      •  Combat Lifesaver Training in Poland and Czech Republic
      •  Hungarian Familiarization with FST Doctrine
  3. 3. Providing ASCC and Title 10 support

      •  Senior Medical Council/Health Service Plans
      •  Battalion Aid Station Standard of Care
        •  - ALHTA Connectivity
        •  - SAVs
      • USAREUR Medical LNO Supervision
      •  mTBI
      •  USAREUR AMEDD Officer Personnel Assignments
  4. 4. Improve readiness and quality of life for Soldiers, Army Families, and Civilian workforce

    •  Medical Readiness
      •  - MND/eProfile
      •  - Influenza Campaign Plan
  5. 5. Provide a deployable CCP to address COCOM Joint C2 contingency requirements

    •  Contingency Planning
    •  CCP Aid Station

Force Health Protection Campaign Plans