7th Army Training Command

U.S. Army Europe's Training Command

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Joint Multinational Readiness Center

The Joint Multinational Readiness Center, the Europe-based Combat Training Center (CTC) with a world-wide mobile training capability, trains leaders, staffs, and units up to Brigade Combat Teams(+) and multinational partners, to dominate in the conduct of Unified Land Operations (ULO) anywhere in the world, now and in the future.

The Joint Multinational Readiness Center is situated in the Oberpfalz region of Bavaria and headquartered at USAG Bavaria, Hohenfels Training Area. JMRC provides a myriad of indispensable capabilities to the U.S. Army and our European Allies and partners.

Who We Are

We are the only Army Combat Training Center outside the continental U.S. We provide world-class opposing forces in the 1st Battalion, 4th Infantry Regiment. We boast 15 Observer Coach Trainer Teams and several support directorates to ensure world-class support to our rotations. We train in all warfighting functions.

Learn more about JMRC.

JMRC Capabilities

We are situated among the highest concentration of U.S. Allies and Partner-nation countries. Our Hohenfels Training Area is 163km2 large. The HTA has 1,345 buildings for training, 319 kilometers of road and numerous cross country trails, as well as one short take-off landing airfield. We are Europe's premier training area.

Learn more about JMRC Capabilities and Organizations.

OCT Teams

Observer Coach Trainer Teams observe, coach and train elements from sections through brigades(+) during the planning, preparation, and execution phases of simulated combat operations at JMRC. These teams collect, analyze, and provide feedback to rotational units via After Action Reviews and Take Home Packages.

Learn more about JMRC OCT Teams.


JMRC Newcomers

JMRC falls under the command of U.S. Army Europe's 7th Army Training Command in Grafenwoehr.

The garrison in Hohenfels falls under the leadership of U.S. Army Garrison Bavaria, headquartered in Grafenwoehr, Germany -- about 1.5 hours away. The Bavaria Military Community consists of Army posts located in Grafenwoehr, Vilseck, Hohenfels and Garmisch.


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