How you can help

You can make a difference. We need individuals, businesses, corporations, foundations, governments, and veterans and military service organizations to provide the support and funding necessary to make the National Museum a reality.

Make a donation now

Who we are

We are The Army Historical Foundation. We seek to educate future Americans to fully appreciate the sacrifices that generations of Soldiers have made to safeguard the freedoms of the United States.

The Foundation is not a governmental agency. We are a non-profit organization and we depend on funds from memberships, donations, and grants for support.

More about us

Our Museum

We are building the National Museum of the United States Army!
It will be a magnificent state-of-the-art facility to honor America’s Soldiers and preserve the history of America’s oldest military branch. It will be a special, central place where Soldiers and Army veterans and their families can reflect, remember, and enjoy the enduring spirit of Army camaraderie. But we can’t do it alone.

More about the National Museum of the United States Army
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