





Agriculture and Grazing Outlease Program Requirements

The Army operates under an ecosystem approach of land management. The DoD policy on ecosystem management, issued in 1996, is still applicable today. Ecosystem management is an integrated approach to managing natural systems and all their component parts: soil, water, wildlife, and vegetation. The policy supports multiple-use activities, including agriculture outleasing, when compatible with the mission and long-term ecosystem management goals. The military mission is the primary objective and agriculture and grazing outleases must support mission activities.


According to AR 405-80, Management of Title and Granting Use of Real Property, the goals of the Army's outgrant programs are:

  • Ensure proper managemt and use of real property for mission purposes
  • Promote multiple uses of Army lands
  • Minimize additional real property acquisition
  • Reduce maintenance and custody costs
  • Dispose of real property interests that are no longer required for Army needs
  • Reduce Army management responsibilities


The following requirements must be met to establish an agriculture and grazing outleasing program:

  • The granted uses of the land must be in the best interest of the United States to promote national defense or be in the best interest of the public.
  • The agricultural and grazing activities must comply with the multiple-use concept and the requirement for installations to improve, utilize, and maintain all land and water areas for the greatest public benefits while supporting the military mission.
  • Agricultural and grazing outleases must comply with:
    • National Environmental Policy Act
    • Endangered Species Act
    • The National Historic Preservation Act
  • Agriculture and grazing outleases and the management of leased lands must be documented in the installation Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan and in Endangered Species Management Plans.
  • If the outleases affect or have the potential to affect threatened or endangered species, consultation is required.
  • If an outlease could affect historic properties, including archeological site consultation with the State Historic Preservation Officer, American Indian tribes, and other stakeholders might necessary under 36 CFR 800.
  • A Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) soil and water conservation plan (or equivalent) must be prepared for each agriculture and grazing outlease. These plans contain technical provisions and conservation practices to ensure that lease comply with Best Management Practices for agriculture and are compatible with ecosystem management.




















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