





Working with AEC...

AEC provides various opportunities to Engage the Present and Chart the Future.  Contracting opportunities for environmental restoration and other AEC projects are available throughout the year, with the majority being offered from December to June of each year.  Employment opportunities with AEC, from internships to skilled professional positions, also are announced when available.  In addition, Department of Army and other federal employees have numerous training opportunities available to them if they are in or are going into an environmental position.  Interested parties are encouraged to take advantage of these opportunities to support the Army’s environmental program.


Be sure to also browse the "Services" pages to learn more about what AEC does to support garrisons and communities, and where you/your garrison/your organization fits into the "big picture."

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Try searching in the A to Z index or Website Map to find what you're looking for.

You can always contact us and we'll direct you to the right page.

Either way, please take a moment to let us know where you ran into trouble navigating the site, so we can make changes to make it easier on the next person!




















Link to US Army Environmental Command Public Mailbox Link to US Army Environmental Command Freedom of Information Act information Link to alphabetic index of US Army Environmental Command webpages Link to website map of US Army Environmental Command webpages Link to Department of Defense Section 508 message Link to US Army Environmental Command Privacy and Security notice for the public website Link to Link Disclaimer for US Army Environmental Command public website Link to Army No FEAR Act Information Link to submitting information to US Army Counterintelligence Link to US Army Installation Management Command official homepage Link to Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management Official Homepage Link to Assistance Secretary of the Army for Installations, Energy and Environment Department of Defense Environment, Safety and Occupational Health Network and Information Exchange Link to Army Environmental Reporting Office Link to US Army Environmental Command Twitter Feed Link to US Army Environmental Command YouTube Feed Link to US Army Environmental Command Flickr Feed