





Cooperative Agreements for Cultural Resources Support

What is it?

Cooperative Agreements involve stakeholders in promoting effective, long-term, sound stewardship of the Army's cultural resources. The stakeholder organizations offer flexibility and expertise to promote excellence in all cultural resources program areas. There are currently 13 organizations that offer support under the cooperative agreements. The agreements are available to any installation or activity within the Department of Defense.

What has the Army done?

USAEC established cooperative agreements with the U.S. Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity (USAMRAA), Fort Detrick, as a "turnkey" arrangement, so while USAEC was involved in the initial establishment of the agreements, it is not involved in their actual operation. Installations that want to use one of the cooperators for professional support will go directly to the USAMRAA POC with their scope of work and funds to request the support. USAMRAA will charge the requesting organization a 2-percent fee on obligated dollars or a minimum of $500. USAMRAA currently anticipates that they will be able to provide a 2-week turnaround for award of each job following receipt of funds from the requesting organization.  You can view what awards have been made at

View a list of organizations with existing cooperative agreements.

What does the Army have planned?

The Army will continue to seek cooperative agreement opportunities to provide cultural resources program assistance with curation, development of ICRMPs, technical support for identification, evaluation and treatment of cultural resources, Native American consultation support and conference, meeting or symposium support.

Why is this important?

The Army encourages the effective, long-term, and sound stewardship of the cultural resources entrusted to its care.  In the face of a growing inventory of cultural resources and limited fiscal resources, progressive and efficient methods of management are vital.


The Cooperative Agreements provide installations, MACOMs and other activities an alternate, optional means to obtain professional cultural resources support from organizations such as universities, Native American tribes, non-profit and for-profit organizations.




















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