Joint Chiefs of Staff

J7 Joint Force Development
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​The J-7 is responsible for the six functions of joint force development: Doctrine, Education, Concept Development & Experimentation, Training, Exercises and Lessons Learned.

About J7
The J7 supports the Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) and the joint warfighter through joint force development (JFD) in order to advance the operational effectiveness of the current and future joint force. J-7 performs its duties across the spectrum of joint force development by focusing on the following core functions:

Joint Training & Exercising
Provide integrated individual, staff and collective joint training for Combatant Commands, designated Joint and Combined Force Headquarters, and Coalition Partners.

Joint Education
Develop policies governing officer and enlisted Joint Professional Military Education (JPME), and the National Defense University. Direct JPME educational advisory group and lead the joint accreditation of JPME programs.

Joint Doctrine
Manage CJCS joint doctrine development process and DOD terminology program.

Joint Lessons Learned
Identify and make joint strategic and operational lessons and best practices available to the joint force and partners. Analyze the effectiveness of lessons learned over time.

Joint Concepts
Develop a comprehensive view of the future operating environment. Identify and develop future concepts that address emerging and future joint operational challenges and required capabilities.

J-7 further fulfills its directives from the CJCS through the integration of international coalition joint force development efforts through Multi-National Allied Command Transformation: MN/ACT coordinates, integrates, and expands partner nations and US alliances into force development activities and leads specified multinational force development efforts. These efforts strengthen coalition capabilities and enable globally integrated operations through partnerships and biltateral officer liaison programs.

J7 Leadership
Vice Admiral Kevin D. Scott, Director for Joint Force Development, J7 [Biography]
Ms. Monica R. Shephard, Vice Director for Joint Force Development, J7 (Pentagon) [Biography]
Maj. Gen. John W. Charlton, Vice Director for Joint Force Development, J7 (Suffolk) [Biography]

Joint Doctrine, Education, & Training Electronic Information System (JDEIS)
Joint Lessons Learned Information System

Vice Admiral Kevin D. Scott
Vice Adm.
Kevin D. Scott
Director for Joint Force Development, J7
View Biography