Naval Sea Systems Command


MSRA/ABR Certification

This area is provided to help firms obtain certifications to bid on Navy vessels.


The type of work that comprises ship repair require that NAVSEA contract only with ship repair companies that are fully capable of conducting all aspects of shipboard work. The compact arrangement of machinery and systems aboard ships, the sophistication of systems installed in naval ships, and the Navy’s absolute requirement for reliable operation, create a unique repair environment that demands expertise and capability.

Successful accomplishment of ship repair work requires careful coordination of a work force possessing a wide mix of skills and trades. Even relatively minor repairs may entail the following:

  • Advance planning
  • Engineering
  • Material identification and procurement
  • Material management
  • Work site preparation
  • Rip-out and removal of interference’s
  • Handling, removal and disposal of hazardous materials/waste
  • Removal, disassembly, repair, and reassembly of ship’s components.
  • Reinstallation and testing of ship’s components
  • Restoration of test of interference’s
  • Work site restoration
  • Quality Assurance
  • Integrated system testing
  • Correction of documentation

A two tier vessel repair certification process was established to ensure the Navy receives a satisfactory repair effort and to promote an active, competitive private sector industrial base to repair Navy vessels. The two agreements utilized are formally titled as follows:

Master Ship Repair Agreement (MSRA)

Agreement for Boat Repair (ABR)



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