Tag Archives: Photos

Nose art isn’t just for humans

By Staff Sgt. Jarrod Chavana
Air Force Public Affairs Agency

Since the conception of war planes, Airmen have figured out ways to personalize these aircraft and make them their own. During World War I, the artwork focused on squadron pride. During World War II and beyond, these paintings became more intricate and personal. I would call some of them masterpieces because they reflect the creativity and craftsmanship of the pilots and aircrew who flew these aircraft. During World War II, some Airmen and artists would make additional money and boost morale by incorporating these murals onto the noses or bodies of aircraft.

I thought I would go through some of the Air Force’s archives and find some great examples and share them with you. I will say, some of the nose art from World War II and later could make our mothers blush.


Nose art called "Lets make a deal"
“Lets Make a Deal” nose art from a Boeing B-52G that flew in Operation Desert Storm is on display in the Cold War Gallery at the National Museum of the United States Air Force. (U.S. Air Force photo/Released)

Continue reading Nose art isn’t just for humans

20 photos that will make you fall in love with the Air Force

By 1st Lt Tori Hight
Air Force Public Affairs Agency

It’s no secret that the men and women of the Air Force are passionate about their service — and why shouldn’t they be? The Air Force is amaaa-zing. With facinating missions, sleek aircraft and technology and super talented Airmen, it’s pretty hard to find something you truly hate about the Air Force. Whether or not you’ve enjoyed your time as an Airman, you’ll appreciate the photos we’ve (the Air Force Social Media Team) compiled for you here. They’ll make you fall in love with the Air Force all over again.

Here are five of the many reasons why we love the Air Force:

1. The sacrifice our brave men and women make every day

An Airman meets his son for the first time.







PHOTO: Lt. Col. Philip Wielhouwer, 74th Fighter Squadron commander, is pictured here meeting his three-week old son, Ryan, for the first time at Moody Air Force Base, Ga., Aug. 9, 2009. We all know fellow Airmen who have sacrificed precious time with their families for the Air Force mission.

2. The camraderie we share with our fellow Airmen and sister services

An Airman participates in joint service training.






PHOTO: Who else can you punch and still be friends with? All joking aside, our Airmen share a special bond with our fellow military members and each other. If you’ve ever served in the military – you know what we’re talking about.

3. We have some pretty cool aircraft and technology

A JTAC contacts a U.S. Navy F/A-18






PHOTO: This is just epic.

4. Integrity, service and excellence

Airmen lay flags for Veterans Day.






Airmen honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice and embrace the Air Force herritage, while looking forward to what the future brings.

5. We sleep better at night knowing our Airmen keep watch
A pararescueman scans his sector over Afghanistan.






PHOTO: Fly, fight and win.

BONUS: We have really cute puppies

Future military working dog, Xxplorer.






Ok, so that’s not just an Air Force thing..but come on..this guy is pretty cute!

See the rest of the photos we picked for this special set.

Now it’s your turn. Share with us any photos or videos you have that remind you of how much you love the Air Force. Email your photos to us, post them on our Facebook page or use #AFLove to tag your creations on Twitter, Vine or Instagram. Your submission just might be chosen to be featured on one of our social media sites.

The best of caption challenges

Editor’s note: Whenever we find the right photo, we ask our followers to caption the photo on either Facebook or Twitter. One of the best parts is reading the hilarious responses.  Although we can’t show all of them we pulled a few of our favorites to share with you.

Caption challenge 1: Caption challenge! This Airman is thinking ____________.

Airman looking at the desert from a helicopter.


  1. Wait, nope hold on guys…I forgot my reflective belt we have to turn around!
  2. The propellers on the helicopter go round & round, round & round, round & round …
  3. Fried shrimp … baked shrimp … shrimp scampi …. shrimp cocktail ….
  4. I spy with my little eye something white?
  5. I wonder how many frequent flyer miles I’ll get for this trip?

Caption challenge 2: Something seems fishy about this photo. Help us out with the last caption challenge of 2013!

Air Force pilots working in a life boat.


  1. Let the lieutenant drive they said, it’ll be fine they said.
  2. Three hour tour, yeah right!
  3. Mom, the PJs took my bait again!
  4. These FOD checks are getting out of control.
  5. You said my golf ball splashed down here!

Caption challenge 3: Let’s start off Tuesday with a bang! Help us caption this photo of Capt. Ben Worker demonstrating the combustibility of hydrogen in the US Air Force Academy’s chemistry department.

Hydrogen being set on fire.


  1. Well don’t need to shave my arms this week.
  2. Sprinkler system active in 3, 2, 1…
  3. Those burritos are hot!
  4. And that children, is how we make a building disappear.
  5. We’re off to see the wizard; the wonderful wizard of Oz!

Caption challenge 4: Doesn’t this look like fun? Help us caption this photo of Staff Sgt. Zahir Mohammed, Travis Air Force Base 60th Security Forces Squadron K9 handler, and MWD Borat during this years Iron Dog III Military Working Dog Team Competition.

Security forces Airman falls in the mud and his dog stairs at him.


  1. Crazy dog, next time you find your own chew toy!
  2. You always yell at me for doing exactly that and now look at you!
  3. You tossed the stick, you find the stick!
  4. It’s just a matter of time until I find my keys.
  5. So… I’m getting a treat for this right?

Thank you for being such great fans, stay tuned for the next caption challenge.

Week in Photos, Jan 4, 2013

Staff Sgt. Delia Marchick

Air Force Public Affairs Agency

This is how our Airmen across the globe ended 2012 in the new year’s first Week in Photos.


A C-130 Hercules taxis to its parking spot in Southwest Asia, on Dec. 28, 2012. Snow removal teams used specialized equipment to clear the runways and taxiways after an overnight snowfall covered the flightline with more than three inches of snow. (U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman Chris Willis)


Week in Photos, Aug. 10, 2012

Military working dog

By Airman 1st Class Krystal Tomlin
Air Force Public Affairs Agency

Happy Friday everybody! Here is Week in Photos. Hope you enjoy!

Photo: A military working dog takes down a “perpetrator” during an Operation Deployment demonstration at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey, Aug. 3, 2012. The event gave almost 200 children and spouses of service members the opportunity to learn about the deployment process. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Clayton Lenhardt)