






Welcome to our new AEC website.  We're glad you found us!  This website is designed to inform you about the Army's commitment to good environmental stewardship and how AEC's programs and services help ensure those goals by Acknowledging the Past, Engaging the Present and Charting the Future.


About AEC describes our organizationhistory and leadership, as well as our missionvision and focus areas.


The Services section provides details of the various areas of environmental expertise on which we can and do provide assistance to installations, garrisons and Soldiers Army-wide. These include topics related to environmental cleanup (Restore & Involve), environmental quality (Preserve & Conserve) and environmental technology (Support).


The Opportunities section is where to look for information on contracts and employment that may be available with AEC.  It also provides information on training available to Department of the Army or Department of Defense employees and who to contact for additional information on those courses.


Our Outreach section shows and describes the products we provide to inform Soldiers, their families, civilian workers and the public in general about the Army's environmental program.  Current news releases and articles are featured here along with products used to educate and inform Soldiers and others about the need for good environmental stewardship.  This includes the Annual Army Earth Day poster and files to print any of our posters from the past.


Click on Resources to find a guide to the acronyms related to the Army and its environmental programs, as well as a robust list of environmental references and websites related to AEC's work.


If you still haven't found what you were looking for or want further information, the Contact Us page provides a variety of ways to get in touch with us if you need assistance or information, including our toll-free number.  @ This Website under Contact Us provides both an A to Z index and a website map to help you better search our site.   If you would like to submit a question for one of AEC's environmental experts, please use the form on Ask AEC, and please check the FOIA Request section to get details on how and where to submit a request for a document covered by the Freedom of Information Act.


We hope you will enjoy our new site and find it useful in learning about the  Army Environmental Program and AEC.  We are here to assist the Army's installations, garrisons and Soldiers with questions on Army environmental  policies, compliance and quality assurance.  In the months ahead, we will continue to update the information provided, as well as expand sections and add new features.  We hope you will visit often to learn about new programs, practices and opportunities.


We also welcome your suggestions or comments on the website in general.  Please send your input via email to 


If needed, you can expand the text box below by clicking on the double V to see what we've recently added or updated.

What's New!

The contract projections for FY 2016 Army Active Sites Cleanup Program is available here.

FY 2015 Installation Action Plans have been posted on the IAP page.

Check out the infographic that helps demonstrate the scope of the Army Environmental Program.

Download the Earth Day toolkit here.

Please check our employment opportunities page if you'd like to work for the Army Environmental Command.  Vacancy Announcements open and close all the time, so please check back often.

If you  have high-quality photos that illustrate the Army's commitment to protecting the environment while meeting our mission objectives, we'd sure like to use them on our information products, website, and social media. Let us know if you have something you'd like to share, please Contact Us.

What do you think of our website?  What did we miss?  What do you like?  How can we improve?  Is something not working? Please send feedback to  If you have any questions, please contact us.




















Link to US Army Environmental Command Public Mailbox Link to US Army Environmental Command Freedom of Information Act information Link to alphabetic index of US Army Environmental Command webpages Link to website map of US Army Environmental Command webpages Link to Department of Defense Section 508 message Link to US Army Environmental Command Privacy and Security notice for the public website Link to Link Disclaimer for US Army Environmental Command public website Link to Army No FEAR Act Information Link to submitting information to US Army Counterintelligence Link to US Army Installation Management Command official homepage Link to Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management Official Homepage Link to Assistance Secretary of the Army for Installations, Energy and Environment Department of Defense Environment, Safety and Occupational Health Network and Information Exchange Link to Army Environmental Reporting Office Link to US Army Environmental Command Twitter Feed Link to US Army Environmental Command YouTube Feed Link to US Army Environmental Command Flickr Feed