Naval Sea Systems Command

     Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) technicians from Technical Support Detachment's Combined Explosive Exploitation Cell (CEXC) measure blast damage on a hull shape during an underwater, post-blast training course. U.S. Navy photo / Released.

Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) technicians from Technical Support Detachment's Combined Explosive Exploitation Cell (CEXC) measure blast damage on a hull shape during an underwater, post-blast training course. U.S. Navy photo / Released.

The Technical Support Detachment (TSD) is the Department of Defense's premier expeditionary improvised and conventional weapons exploitation and acquisition organization -- operating in both terrestrial and maritime environments.




The TSD's mission is to collect, process, exploit and analyze enemy improvised weapons (to include Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs)), conventional ordnance and related materials  for the purpose of providing support to near-real time Technical Intelligence to tactical and operational commanders and EOD forces.


TSD's secondary mission is to provide tailored deployable technical intelligence and Foreign Material Acquisition (FMA) support to Service, DoD, and National Level Intelligence activities as directed by higher authority.




The TSD's objective is to provide Level 1-2 adaptable, scalable, mobile capability (personnel and equipment) for collection, exploitation, and analysis of improvised and conventional weapons to support land and maritime missions.  This capability is tailored to meet mission requirements.


For more information on the Technical Support Detachment, contact or (301) 744-4054.
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