





Environmental Liabilities

What is it?

An environmental liability exists when there is a requirement, based on statute, regulation, or legal agreement to perform cleanup (i.e., removal, containment, disposal) from federal operations that resulted in hazardous waste. Environmental liabilities must be recognized on the financial statement for probable and measurable future outflows or expenditure of resources for environmental cleanup, closure, and/or disposal action. A probable environmental liability exists when it is more likely than not that hazardous waste resulted from operations where the Department of Defense (DoD) was likely involved. A measurable environmental liability exists when a dollar value can be estimated for the cleanup costs or study needed to define further cleanup parameters.

What has the Army done?

The Army tracks and reports quarterly environmental liability categories: Installation Restoration Program (IRP) and Building Demolition and Debris Removal (BD/DR) for active and BRAC installations, Military Munitions Response Program (MMRP) for active and Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) installations, IRP and BD/DR for FUDS, and MMRP for Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS).  The Army also reports other accrued environmental liabilities caused by environmental corrective action, environmental closure requirements, environmental response at operational ranges, asbestos, environmental disposal for military equipment weapons programs and chemical weapons disposal programs.

What does the Army have planned?

USAEC will continue to report environmental liabilities associated with the Defense Environmental Restoration Program and the Compliance Cleanup program using information in established environmental databases.

Why is the important?

Tracking of environmental liabilities is a vital and necessary requisite for producing a complete and auditable financial statement.  To appropriately budget and look for efficiencies in addressing environmental cleanup and compliance handling, the Army must know the cost of these actions both now and into the future.




















Link to US Army Environmental Command Public Mailbox Link to US Army Environmental Command Freedom of Information Act information Link to alphabetic index of US Army Environmental Command webpages Link to website map of US Army Environmental Command webpages Link to Department of Defense Section 508 message Link to US Army Environmental Command Privacy and Security notice for the public website Link to Link Disclaimer for US Army Environmental Command public website Link to Army No FEAR Act Information Link to submitting information to US Army Counterintelligence Link to US Army Installation Management Command official homepage Link to Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management Official Homepage Link to Assistance Secretary of the Army for Installations, Energy and Environment Department of Defense Environment, Safety and Occupational Health Network and Information Exchange Link to Army Environmental Reporting Office Link to US Army Environmental Command Twitter Feed Link to US Army Environmental Command YouTube Feed Link to US Army Environmental Command Flickr Feed