Naval Sea Systems Command


Welcome to Naval Surface Warfare Center Indian Head Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Division’s (NSWC IHEODTD) Operations Schedule page.

NSWC IHEODTD is the Department of Defense (DoD) Energetics Center and serves as the DoD Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Program lead. The Division focuses on the research, development, test, evaluation and in-service support of energetics and energetic systems as well as works to provide Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, and Airmen worldwide with the information and technological solutions they need to detect/locate, access, identify, render safe, recover/exploit, and dispose of both conventional and unconventional explosive threats.  The U.S. Navy, DoD agencies and all allied nations come to NSWC IHEODTD for energetic systems solutions and EOD expertise— we support the warfighter of today and of tomorrow through discoveries that anticipate the future needs for the next generation.

Our facilities are used to conduct military munitions research, development, testing and disposal. 

This page provides daily information about the operations that have the potential to create loud noises and / or smoke in the area. Waterfront areas are clearly marked, and should be avoided when scheduled operations are in progress.

Oct 17 - Oct 21:  Indian Head and EOD Stump Neck Sites will conduct operations between 7a.m. – 7p.m. Operations have the potential to produce some noise, high bright flames and heavy smoke in the surrounding communities and waterways.

More Information on Range Operations

Mattawoman Creek between channel markers Green “1” and Red “6”. 

It is recommended that boat traffic should operate as far south as possible when navigating the Mattawoman Creek channel between channel marker Green "1" and Red "6," especially in the vicinity of Flashing Green "3." 

Staying Connected