Legislative Affairs and Communications

Ms. Kathie R. Scarrah, Director


The Office of Legislative Affairs and Communications coordinates OIG Congressional and media activities and informs OIG employees and the public about the DoD OIG audits, inspections, evaluations and special projects that oversight Department of Defense programs and operations.


The telephone number for congressional and media inquiries is (703) 604-8324. The email address for media inquiries is public.affairs@dodig.mil

OLAC Focus Areas

Legislative Affairs

  • Liaison with Congress
  • Coordinates responses to congressional inquiries
  • Monitors legislation involving the DoD OIG
  • Assists with congressional testimony preparation 
  • Coordinates and prepares OIG briefings for Members of Congress and
    professional staff members

Public Affairs

  • Liaison with press
  • Manages the Speakers Bureau
  • Produces the DoD OIG Monthly Update (newsletter)
  • Manages the DoD OIG social media and digital communications program
  • Manages the external DoD OIG Web site content

Internal Communications

  • Manages workforce communications
  • Manages the DoD OIG Intranet 
  • Prepares the Semiannual Report to Congress
  • Provides graphic and layout support for all DoD OIG publications

Policy References

IGDINST 5545.1, "Congressional Affairs Activities," September 9, 2008
IGDINST 5400.2  "Public Affairs Program," September 2, 2015