Input Sought in Developing DON IM/IT Policy

Published, May 4, 2009

To ensure Department of the Navy Information Management and Information Technology (IM/IT) policies fully support the needs of the warfighter and all levels of the supporting establishment, the DON Chief Information Officer has begun to pilot the use of the Intelink wiki (Intellipedia) as a tool to assist in the development of proposed updates to existing policy.

A challenge faced by the DON is to develop and promulgate effective IM/IT policy. Effective policy does more than simply identify the "rules" that must be followed; it guides the Department toward achieving its critical goals and strategic objectives.

As of 29 April 2009, SECNAVINST 5000.36A, the Department's policy on information technology applications and data management, has been posted to Intellipedia for community input and editing. In the near future, the DON CIO plans to post additional DON IM/IT policies for community editing.

In addition to making use of Intellipedia as a mechanism for broad collaboration on proposed updates to existing DON IM/IT policy, DON CIO has also created a space on Intellipedia to allow for identification of IM/IT policy gaps, which, if filled, would assist DON personnel in better accomplishing their missions and functions.

To access DON IM/IT policies that are open for community input and editing, as well as the space dedicated to identification of IM/IT policy gaps, please go to:

Please note: The development of DON policy is a "For Official Use Only" activity. In addition, access to Intellipedia is limited to government employees; active duty and ready reserve members of the U.S. Military; active members of the U.S. National Guard; contractors or other individuals sponsored by a U.S. Government agency; state, local or tribal government employees; Foreign Nationals sponsored by a U.S. Government agency; and members of the U.S. academic community sponsored by a U.S. Government agency.

TAGS: Data Strategy, InfoSharing, Social Media, Strategy

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