Delegation of Authority Matrix

The Delegation of Authority Matrix

The Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) and the AG-1 Civilian Personnel worked together to develop a revised delegation matrix that identifies 36 delegation of authorities, references, special instructions and, if appropriate, reporting requirements. The matrix is a living document and will be updated each time a new delegation is issued or a current delegation is superseded.

The most recent matrix is available below.

icon indicating file requires Acrobat Reader to view Matrix of ASA(M&RA) Delegated Civilian Human Resources (CHR) Authorities - Latest version
      Version 02-2016 - dated February 12, 2016 (reloaded 07/07/2016)

icon indicating file requires Acrobat Reader to view Delegation of Civilian Human Resources Authorities, Version 02-2016, effective February 12, 2016: Revision to Delegation of Civilian Human Resources Authorities Matrix and Execution, Publication and Transmission of Delegation #22.

Quick links to Delegation Topics - (Note New Numbers as of ver 02-2014)

  1. Student Loan Repayment Program
  2. Reduced Per Diem Rate
  3. Overseas Allowances and Differentials
  4. Employing Individuals Completing DoD Scholarship or Fellowship Programs
  5. Grade and Pay Retention
  6. Authenticate Personnel Actions
  7. Secretary of Defense Medal for Global War on Terrorism (GWOT)
  8. Credit for Prior Non-Federal Work Experience and Certain Military Service for Determining Annual Leave Accrual Rate
  9. Uniform Allowance Rates
  10. Age Waivers for Air Traffic Controllers (ATC)
  11. Increased Annual Premium Pay Limitation for Calendar Year 2015
  12. Delegation of Classification Authority
  13. VERA/VSIP/VSIP Phase II Authority
  14. Meritorious Civilian Service Award
  15. Suitability and Fitness Adjudications for Civilian Employees
  16. Reduction in Force (RIF)
  17. DCIPS Implementation and Issuance of Supplemental Policy Guidance
  18. Extensions of Employment for Family Members in Foreign Areas
  19. Foreign Area tour Extensions and Waivers of Physical Presence Requirement
  20. Recruitment, Relocation and Retention (3Rs) and Enhanced Retention Incentives
  21. Employment of Annuitants in Positions GS-15 and Below (or Equivalent)
  22. Expedited Hiring Authority (EHA) for Acquisition Positions
  23. Secretary of Defense Medal for the Defense of Freedom (DFM)
  24. Priority Placement Program (PPP) Component Coordinator Designation
  25. Authority to Approve Lump Sum Severance Payments to Eligible Employees
  26. Voluntary Early Retirement Authority (VERA) for Nonappropriated Fund (NAF)
  27. Direct Hire Authority (DHA) for Scientific & Engineering Positions at Demo Labs
  28. Authority to Waive the Limitations on Donating Annual Leave
  29. Restoration of Annual Leave - Authority to Approve Exigencies
  30. Civilian Academic Degree Training (ADT)
  31. Expedited Hire Authority for Shortage Category and/or Critical Need Health Care Occupations
  32. Benefits, Allowances and Gratuities for DoD Civilian Employees under Public Law (PL) 109-234, Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Hurricane Recovery, June 2006
  33. Pay Plan for Army Civilian Physicians and Dentists Covered by the General Schedule
  34. Hours of Duty and Authority to Determine Adverse Agency Impact Stemming from Flexible and Compressed Work Schedules
  35. Approval of Professional Liability Insurance (PLI) Reimbursement Requests
  36. Pay Pursuant to Title 38 - Additional Pay for Certain Healthcare Professionals
  37. Miscellaneous
  38. Sunset Guidance
Document Title (Click on memo title to view the memo)
1. Student Loan Repayment Program
icon indicating file is a memo Office of the Under Sec of Defense Memorandum
30 SEP 2004
 DoD Student Loan Repayment Program
icon indicating file is a memo SecArmy Memorandum
31 Mar, 2014
 Delegation of Authority - Department of Defense (DoD) Student Loan Repayment Program
2. Reduced Per Diem Rate
Joint Travel Regulations  JTR vol 2, Ch 4
icon indicating file is a memo SecArmy Memorandum
31 Mar, 2014
 Delegation of Authority - Reduced Per Diem Rate
3. Overseas Allowances and Differentials
Department of Defense Instruction
Feb 23, 2012,
 DoDI 1400.25, Vol 1250 DoD CPMS: Overseas Allowances and Differentials
icon indicating file is a memo SecArmy Memorandum
31 Mar, 2014
 Delegation of Authority - Overseas Allowances and Differentials
4. Employing Individuals Completing DoD Scholarship or Fellowship Programs
icon indicating file is a memo Under Sec of Defense Memorandum
APR 5 2010
 Implementation of Authority to Employ Individuals Completing Department of Defense Scholarship or Fellowship Programs
icon indicating file is a memo SecArmy Memorandum
31 Mar, 2014
 Delegation of Authority - Employment of Individuals Completing Department of Defense Scholarship or Fellowship Programs
5. Grade and Pay Retention
DoD Instruction
Jun 28, 2006, administratively reissued Apr 6, 2009,
 DoDI 1400.25 Vol 536 DoD CPMS: Grade and Pay Retention
icon indicating file is a memo SecArmy Memorandum
31 Mar, 2014
 Delegation of Authority - Grade and Pay Retention
6. Authenticate Personnel Actions
11 June 2012  HQDA General Orders No. 2012-01, 11 June 2012
icon indicating file is a memo SecArmy Memorandum
17 Nov, 2015
 SAMR DOA Authority to Authenticate Personnel Actions
icon indicating file is a memo SecArmy Memorandum
15 Dec, 2011
 Delegation of Civilian Human Resources Authorities, Version 03-2011, effective December 14, 2011: Revision to Delegation of Civilian Human Resources Authorities Matrix and Execution, Publication and Transmission of Delegation Number 28, Authority to Approve Lump Sum Severance Payments to Eligible Employees; Delegation Number 29, Authority to Authenticate Personnel Actions; and Number 30,Increased Annual Premium Pay Limitations for Calendar Year (CY) 2011
7. Secretary of Defense Medal for Global War on Terrorism (GWOT)
icon indicating file is a memo Under Sec of Defense Memorandum
Aug 9, 2007
 Secretary of Defense Medal for the Global War on Terrorism
icon indicating file is a memo Office of the Under Sec of Defense Memorandum
Apr 07, 2008
 Secretary of Defense Medal for the Global War on Terrorism - Change 1
icon indicating file is a memo SecArmy Memorandum
31 Mar, 2014
 Delegation of Authority - Secretary of Defense Medal for the Global War on Terrorism
8. Credit for Prior Non-Federal Work Experience and Certain Military Service for Determining Annual Leave Accrual Rate
Department of Defense Instruction
August 31, 2009
 DoDI 1400.25 Vol 631 DoD CPMS: Credit for Prior Non-Federal Work Experience and Certain Military Service for Determining Leave Accrual Rate
icon indicating file is a memo SecArmy Memorandum
31 Mar, 2014
 Delegation of Authority - Credit for Prior Non-Federal Work Experience and Certain Military Service for Determining Annual Leave Accrual Rate
9. Uniform Allowance Rates
Department of Defense Instruction
March 12, 2009
 DoDI 1400.25 Vol 591 DoD CPMS: Uniform Allowance Rates for DoD Civilian Employees
icon indicating file is a memo SecArmy Memorandum
22 Sep, 2016
 Delegation of Authority - Uniform Allowance Rates for DoD Civilian Employees
10. Age Waivers for Air Traffic Controllers (ATC)
DoD Instruction
June 20, 2005, administratively reissued April 6, 2009
 DoDI 1400.25 Vol 331 DoD CPMS: Civilian Air Traffic Controllers (ATCs)
icon indicating file is a memo SecArmy Memorandum
31 Mar, 2014
 Delegation of Authority - Position Coverage Determination, Maximum Entry Age Waivers, Reentry Waivers, and Mandatory Age Separation Waivers for Civilian Air Traffic Controllers (ATCs)
11. Increased Annual Premium Pay Limitations for Calendar Year 2015
icon indicating file is a memo Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (PR) Memorandum
June 09, 2015
 Calendar Year 2015 Waiver of Annual Pay Limitations for Certain Employees. Memo Link Pending
icon indicating file is a PDF SAMR Memo
28 Sep 2015
 Delegation of Civilian Human Resources Authorities, Version 01-2015, effective September 04, 2015: Revision to Delegation of Civilian Human Resources Authorities Matrix and Execution, Publication and Transmission of Delegation #11.
12. Delegation of Classification Authority
Department of Defense Instruction
May 28, 2015 USD(P&R)
 DoDI 1400.25, V 511, Classification Program
icon indicating file requires Acrobat Reader to view SecArmy Memorandum
Dec 23, 2013
 Sec Army Memo: Delegation of Authority- Classification Program
13. VERA/VSIP/VSIP Phase II Authority
Department of Defense Instruction
June 13, 2008 - Administratively reissued April 1, 2009
 DoDI 1400.25, SC 1702 DoD CPMS: Voluntary Separation Programs
icon indicating file is a memo SecArmy Memorandum
Apr 25, 2014
 Delegation of Authority - Voluntary Early Retirement Authority, Voluntary Separation Incentive Pay and Voluntary Separation Incentive Pay Phase II
14. Meritorious Civilian Service Award
icon indicating file is a memo SA Memorandum
Oct 31, 2013
 Delegation of Authority - Awards Policy Establishment, Implementation and Oversight
icon indicating file is a memo SAMR Memorandum
Apr 18, 2014
 Delegation of Authority to Approve the Meritorious Service Award
Department Army Regulation
(Rapid Action Revisions – December 17, 2013 and April 1, 2014)
 AR 672-20 - Incentive Awards
15. Suitability and Fitness Adjudications for Civilian Employees
Title 5, CFR, Part 731  Title 5, CFR, Part 731, Suitability
icon indicating file is a memo Dep Sec of Defense
May 03, 2012
 DoD Central Adjudications Facilities (CAF) Consolidation (CAC-Only)
Department of Defense Instruction
Aug 24, 2012
 DoDI 1400.25, Volume 731; DoD CPMS: Suitability and Fitness Adjudication for Civilians Employees
icon indicating file is a memo SecArmy Memorandum
Jan 04, 2016
 Delegation of Authority - Suitability and Fitness Adjudications for Civilian Employees
icon indicating file is a memo SecArmy Memorandum
Feb 12, 2016
 Delegated Civilian Human Resources (CHR) Authorities Matrix_Version 02-2016
16. Reduction in Force (RIF)
icon indicating file is on another website Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)  Title 5, CFR Part 351, Reduction in Force
icon indicating file is on another website Department of Defense Instruction    Jan 11, 2011  DoDI 1400.25, Vol 351, Coordination and Clearance Requirements for Personnel Reductions, Closures of Installations and Reductions of Contract Operations in the United States.
icon indicating file is a memo SecArmy Memorandum
May 30, 2014
 Delegation of Authority - Reduction in Force (RIF)
17. Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS) Implementation and Issuance of Supplemental Policy Guidance
icon indicating file is on another website DoDD 1400.35,
September 24, 2007 (incorporating Change 1, September 1, 2009)
 DoDD 1400.35: Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS)
icon indicating file is on another website DoDI 1400.25, Vol 2001,
December 29, 2008 Incorporating Change 1, Effective March 17, 201
 DoD CPMS: Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS) Introduction
icon indicating file is a memo SecArmy Memorandum
May 30, 2014
 Delegation of Authority - Army Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS) Implementation
18. Extensions of Employment for Family Members in Foreign Areas
icon indicating file is on another website Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)  Title 5, CFR Schedule A, section 213.3101
icon indicating file is on another website Department of Defense Instruction    Jan 5, 2012  DoDI 1400.25, Vol 1232, Employment of Family Members in Foreign Areas
icon indicating file is a memo SecArmy Memorandum
May 30, 2014
 Delegation of Authority - Extensions of Employment for Family Members in Foreign Areas
19. Foreign Area tour Extensions and Waivers of Physical Presence Requirement
icon indicating file is on another website Department of Defense Instruction    July 26, 2012  DoDI 1400.25, Vol 1230, Employment in Foreign Areas and Employee Return Rights
icon indicating file is on another website Department Army Regulations    Oct 15, 1987  AR 690-300, Chapter 301, Subchapter 5, Overseas Employment and Rotation of U.S. Citizens
icon indicating file is a memo SecArmy Memorandum
May 30, 2014
 Delegation of Authority - Foreign Area Tour Extensions and Waivers of Physical Presence Requirement)
20. Recruitment, Relocation and Retention (3Rs) and Enhanced Retention Incentives
Department of Defense Instruction  DoDI 1400.25, Vol 575 DoD CPMS: Recruitment and Relocation Bonuses, Retention Allowances, and Supervisory Differentials
icon indicating file is a memo OUSD (P&R) Memorandum
Sep 21, 2006
 Implementation of Recruitment, Relocation, and Retention Incentives
icon indicating file is a memo USD Memorandum
Feb 05, 2008
 Implementation of Enhanced Retention Incentives Authorities
icon indicating file is a memo SecArmy Memorandum
May 30, 2014
 Delegation of Authority - Recruitment, Relocation, Retention and Enhanced Retention Incentives
21. Employment of Annuitants in Positions GS-15 and Below (or Equivalent)
Department of Defense Instruction
December 10, 2008
 DoDI 1400.25, Vol 300 DoD CPMS: Employment of Federal Civilian Annuitants in the Department of Defense
icon indicating file is a memo SecArmy Memorandum
May 30, 2014
 Delegation of Authority - Employment of Annuitants in Positions GS-15 and Below (or Equivalent)
22. Expedited Hiring Authority (EHA) for Acquisition Positions
icon indicating file is a memo OSD Memorandum
Dec 18, 2015
 Extension of Expedited Hiring Authority for Select Defense Acquisition Workforce
icon indicating file is a memo SecArmy Memorandum
Feb 08, 2016
 Delegation of Authority - Extention of Expedited Hiring Authority for Acquisition Positions
23. Secretary of Defense Medal for the Defense of Freedom (DFM)
Department Army Regulation
(Rapid Action Revisions – December 17, 2013 and April 1, 2014)
 AR 672-20 - Decorations, Awards, Honors, Incentive Awards
Department of Defense Instruction
Nov 4, 2013
 DoDI 1400.25 Vol 451 DoD CPMS: Awards,
icon indicating file is a memo SecArmy Memorandum
May 30, 2014
 Delegation of Authority - Secretary of Defense Medal for the Defense of Freedom
24. Priority Placement Program (PPP) Component Coordinator Designation
Department of Defense Instruction
September 26, 2006
 DoDI 1400.20 DoD Program for Stability of Civilian Employment
icon indicating file is a memo SecArmy Memorandum
May 30, 2014
 Delegation of Authority - DoD Program for Stability of Civilian Employment
25. Authority to Approve Lump Sum Severance Payments to Eligible Employees
Cornell Law Link  Title 5, United States Code, Section 5595 - Severance Pay
Office of Personnel Management Link  Title 5 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 550
icon indicating file is a memo SecArmy Memorandum
May 30, 2014
 Delegation of Authority - Lump Sum Severance Payment
26. Voluntary Early Retirement Authority (VERA) for Nonappropriated Fund (NAF)
icon indicating file is a memo ASA(M&RA) Memorandum
June 6, 2014
 Delegation of Authority - Voluntary Early Retirement Authority (VERA) for Nonappropriated Fund (NAF)
27. Direct Hire Authority (DHA) for Scientific & Engineering Positions at Demo Labs
icon indicating file is a memo OUSD (P&R) Memorandum
Dec 16, 2008
 Redelegation of Authority under Section 1108 of the Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009
icon indicating file is a memo SecArmy Memorandum
June 18, 2014
 Delegation of Authority - Direct Hire Authority for Scientific and Engineering Positions Within Designated Personnel Demonstration Laboratories
28. Authority to Waive the Limitations on Donating Annual Leave
icon indicating file is on another website Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
 5 CFR 630.908(c)
icon indicating file is a memo SAMR Memorandum
June 18, 2014
 Army Civilian Voluntary Leave Transfer Program - Waiving the Limitation on Donating Annual Leave
29. Restoration of Annual Leave - Authority to Approve Exigencies
icon indicating file is on another website Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
 5 CFR 630.305
icon indicating file is a memo SecArmy Memorandum
June 18, 2014
 Delegation of Authority - Approval of Exigencies for Restoration of Annual Leave
30. Civilian Academic Degree Training (ADT)
icon indicating file is a memo Office of the Ass't Sec of Defense Memorandum
Aug 15, 2001
 Civilian Academic Degree Training
icon indicating file is a memo SecArmy Memorandum
June 18, 2014
 Delegation of Authority - Civilian Academic Degree Training
31. Expedited Hire Authority for Shortage Category and/or Critical Need Health Care Occupations
icon indicating file is a memo USD (P&R) Memorandum
Dec 14, 2015
 Extention of Expedited Hire Authority for Shortage Category and/or Critical Need Health Care Occupations. w/att
icon indicating file is a memo SecArmy Memorandum
Feb 08, 2016
 Delegation of Authority - Expedited Hire Authority for Shortage Category and/or Critical Need Health Care Occupations
32. Benefits, Allowances and Gratuities for DoD Civilian Employees under Public Law (PL) 109-234, Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Hurricane Recovery, June 2006
icon indicating file is a memo OUSD Memorandum
Oct 20 2008
 Clarification of Memorandum regarding Benefits, Allowances and Gratuities for DoD Civilian Employees Assigned to Iraq or Afghanistan Under the Authority of Section 1603 of Public Law (PL) 109-234, as amended
33. Pay Plan for Army Civilian Physicians and Dentists Covered by the General Schedule
icon indicating file is on another website Department of Defense Instruction
August 18, 2010
 DoDI 1400.25 Vol 543 DoD CPMS: Pay Plan for DoD Civilian Physicians and Dentists Covered by the General Schedule
icon indicating file is a memo SecArmy Memorandum
June 18, 2014
 Delegation of Authority - Designation as Authorized Management Official and Implementation of Pay Plan for DoD Civilian Physicians and Dentists Covered by the General Schedule
34. Hours of Duty and Authority to Determine Adverse Agency Impact Stemming from Flexible and Compressed Work Schedules
icon indicating file is on another website United States Code (USC)  Title 5, USC, Section 6101-6133, Basic 40-hour workweek; work schedules; regulations
icon indicating file is on another website Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)  Title 5, CFR Part 610, Hours of Duty
icon indicating file is on another website Department of Defense Instruction
   Nov 28, 2014
 DoDI 1400.25 Vol 610, Hours of Duty
icon indicating file is a memo SecArmy Memorandum
June 18, 2014
 Delegation of Authority - Hours of Duty and Authority to Determine Adverse Agency Impact Stemming from Flexible and Compressed Work Schedules
35. Approval of Professional Liability Insurance (PLI) Reimbursement Requests
icon indicating file is a memo SecArmy Memorandum
June 18, 2014
 Delegation of Authority - Approval of Professional Liability Insurance (PLI) Reimbursement Requests
36. Pay Pursuant to Title 38 - Additional Pay for Certain Healthcare Professionals
icon indicating file is on another website Department of Defense Instruction    Dec 2006, administratively reissued April 6, 2009  DoDI 1400.25 Vol 540, Pay Pursuant to Title 38 - Additional Pay for Certain Healthcare Professionals
icon indicating file is a memo SecArmy Memorandum
June 18, 2014
 Delegation of Authority for Pay Pursuant to Title 38 - Additional Pay for Certain Healthcare Professionals
Miscellaneous Delegations of Authorities:
icon indicating file is a memo SecArmy Memorandum
Jan 06, 2016
 SecArmy Memorandum, 06 Jan 2016 - Delegation of Authority - Faculty Compensation, Title 10 United States Code, Section 4021
icon indicating file is a memo ASA M&RA Memorandum
Feb 26, 2016
 Intergovernmental Personal Act Program Policy
Sunset Guidance:
icon indicating file requires Acrobat Reader to view Feb 12, 2016  Matrix of ASA(M&RA) Delegated Civilian Human Resources (CHR) Authorities Version 01-2016
icon indicating file is a memo ASA (M&RA) Memo:
Feb 12, 2016
 Delegation of Civilian Human Resources Authorities, Version 01-2016, effective February 12, 2016: Revision to Delegation of Civilian Human Resources Authorities Matrix and Execution, Publication and Transmission of Delegation #31.
icon indicating file requires Acrobat Reader to view Sep 04, 2015  Matrix of ASA(M&RA) Delegated Civilian Human Resources (CHR) Authorities Version 01-2015
icon indicating file is a memo ASA (M&RA) Memo:
Sep 28, 2015
 Delegation of Civilian Human Resources Authorities, Version 01-2015, effective September 04, 2015: Revision to Delegation of Civilian Human Resources Authorities Matrix and Execution, Publication and Transmission of Delegation #11.
icon indicating file requires Acrobat Reader to view Dec 16, 2014  Matrix of ASA(M&RA) Delegated Civilian Human Resources (CHR) Authorities Version 06-2014
icon indicating file is a memo ASA (M&RA) Memo:
Dec 16, 2014
 Delegation of Civilian Human Resources Authorities, Version 06-2014, effective Dec 16, 2014: Revision to Delegation of Civilian Human Resources Authorities Matrix and Execution, Publication and Transmission of Delegations #37.
icon indicating file requires Acrobat Reader to view June 16, 2014  Matrix of ASA(M&RA) Delegated Civilian Human Resources (CHR) Authorities Version 05-2014
icon indicating file is a memo ASA (M&RA) Memo:
June 18, 2014
 Delegation of Civilian Human Resources Authorities, Version 05-2014, effective June 16, 2014: Revision to Delegation of Civilian Human Resources Authorities Matrix and Execution, Publication and Transmission of Delegations #26 through #36.
icon indicating file requires Acrobat Reader to view May 30, 2014  Matrix of ASA(M&RA) Delegated Civilian Human Resources (CHR) Authorities Version 04-2014
icon indicating file is a memo ASA (M&RA) Memo:
May 30, 2014
 Delegation of Civilian Human Resources Authorities, Version 04-2014, effective May 30, 2014: Revision to Delegation of Civilian Human Resources Authorities Matrix and Execution, Publication and Transmission of Delegations #15 through #25, and Extension of Delegations #26 through #33
icon indicating file is a memo ASA (M&RA) Memo:
May 01, 2014
 Delegation of Civilian Human Resources Authorities, Version 03-2014, effective April 30, 2014: Revision to Delegation of Civilian Human Resources Authorities Matrix and Execution, Publication and Transmission of Delegation #13, Delegation of Authority - Voluntary Early Retirement Authority (VERA), Voluntary Separation Incentive Pay (VSIP) and VSIP Phase II and Delegation #14, Delegation of Authority to Approve the Meritorious Civilian Service Award
icon indicating file requires Acrobat Reader to view Apr 25, 2014  Matrix of ASA(M&RA) Delegated Civilian Human Resources (CHR) Authorities Version 03-2014
icon indicating file is a memo SecArmy Memorandum
31 Mar, 2014
 Delegation of Authority - Uniform Allowance Rates for DoD Civilian Employees
icon indicating file requires Acrobat Reader to view Mar 31, 2014  Matrix of ASA(M&RA) Delegated Civilian Human Resources (CHR) Authorities Version 02-2014
icon indicating file is a memo ASA (M&RA) Memo:
Apr 01, 2014
 Delegation of Civilian Human Resources Authorities, Version 02-2014, effective March 31, 2014: Revision to Delegation of Civilian Human Resources Authorities Matrix and Execution, Publication and Transmission of Delegations #1 through #12, and Extension of Delegations #14 through #28
icon indicating file is a memo SecArmy Memo:
Mar 31, 2014
 Issuance of New Delegations of Civilian Human Resources (CHR) Authorities and Extensions of Previous Delegations of CHR Authorities
icon indicating file is a memo ASA (M&RA) Memorandum
Feb 10, 2014
 Delegation of Civilian Human Resources Authorities, Version 01-2014, effective January 30, 2014: Revision to Delegation of Civilian Human Resources Authorities Matrix and Execution, Publication and Transmission of Delegation Number 36, Delegation of Authority- Classification Program
icon indicating file requires Acrobat Reader to view Jan 30, 2014 ASA (M&RA) Memo: Delegation of Civilian Human Resources Authorities, Version 01-2014, effective January 30, 2014: Revision to Delegation of Civilian Human Resources Authorities Matrix and Execution, Publication and Transmission of Delegation Number 36, Delegation of Authority- Classification Program
icon indicating file requires Acrobat Reader to view Jan 22, 2014 Matrix of ASA(M&RA) Delegated Civilian Human Resources (CHR) Authorities - Version 01-2014
icon indicating file requires Acrobat Reader to view Dec 23, 2013 Sec Army Memo: Delegation of Authority- Classification Program
icon indicating file requires Acrobat Reader to view Oct 25, 2013  ASA (M&RA) Memo: Delegation of Civilian Human Resources Authorities, Version 02-2013, effective October 18, 2013: Revision to Delegation of Civilian Human Resources Authorities Matrix and Execution, Publication and Transmission of Delegation Number 35, Authority to Approve Increased Annual Premium Pay Limitations for Calendar Year (CY) 2013 Dated Oct 25, 2013
icon indicating file requires Acrobat Reader to view Oct 2, 2013  Sec Army Memo: Delegation of Authority - Increased Annual Premium Pay Limitation for Calendar Year (CY) 2013
icon indicating file requires Acrobat Reader to view 01 Oct 2013  Extension of Matrix of ASA(M&RA) Delegated Civilian Human Resources (CHR) Authorities Delegated Matrix - Version 01-2013
icon indicating file requires Acrobat Reader to view SecArmy Memorandum
30 Sep 2013
 Extension of Delegation of Civilian Human Resources Authorities (Version 01-2013)
icon indicating file requires Acrobat Reader to view SAMR Memorandum
10 Oct 2013
 SAMR Memorandum - Extension of Delegated Civilian Human Resources Authorities, Version 01-2013
icon indicating file requires Acrobat Reader to view 07 Dec 2012  Delegated Matrix - Version 03-2012
icon indicating file requires Acrobat Reader to view 07 Dec 2012  SAMR Memorandum - Delegation of Civilian Human Resources Authorities, Version 03-2012,
icon indicating file requires Acrobat Reader to view 06 Sep 2012  Delegated Matrix - Version 02-2012
icon indicating file requires Acrobat Reader to view SAMR Memorandum
15 Dec, 2011
 SAMR Memorandum - Delegation of Civilian Human Resources Authorities, Version 03-2011,
effective December 14, 2011
icon indicating file requires Acrobat Reader to view 14 Dec 2011  Delegation Matrix - Version 03-2011
icon indicating file is a memo ASA(M&RA) Memorandum
28 Jun, 2011
 Delegation of Civilian Human Resources Authorities - Version 02-2011
icon indicating file requires Acrobat Reader to view 1 July, 2011  Delegation Matrix - Version 02-2011
icon indicating file is a memo SAMR-CQ Memorandum
21 Apr, 2011
 Delegation of Civilian Human Resources Authorities - Version 01-2011
icon indicating file requires Acrobat Reader to view 21 Apr, 2011  Delegation Matrix - Version 01-2011
icon indicating file is a memo SecArmy Memorandum
13 Oct, 2010
 Delegation of Authority - Implementation of Pay Plan for DOD Civilian Physicians and Dentists Covered by the General Schedule
icon indicating file is a memo SecArmy Memorandum
13 Oct, 2010
 Delegation of Authority - Department of Defense (DoD) Student Loan Repayment Program
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