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Five-Year Reviews

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Five-Year Reviews generally are required by CERCLA or program policy when hazardous substances remain on site above levels which permit unrestricted use and unlimited exposure. Five-year reviews provide an opportunity to evaluate the implementation and performance of a remedy to determine whether it remains protective of human health and the environment. Generally, reviews are performed five years following the initiation of a CERCLA response action, and are repeated every succeeding five years so long as future uses remain restricted. Five-year reviews can be performed by EPA or the lead agency for a site, but EPA retains responsibility for determining the protectiveness of the remedy.


"Comprehensive Five-Year Review Guidance" (June 2001)
OSWER 9355.7-03B-P, EPA 540-R-01-007

"Five-Year Review – Questions & Answers" (December 2004) (PDF)
(7 pp, 85K)

"Five-Year Review Addendum Sample" (December 2008) (MS Word)
(2 pp, 41K)

Fact Sheets

"Five Year Review Process in the Superfund Program" (April 2003) (PDF)
OSWER 9355.7-08FS, EPA 540-F-02-004 (8 pp, 733K)

"Superfund Today: Focus on Five-Year Reviews and Involving the Community" (December 2002) (PDF)
OSWER 9200.2-42FS, EPA 540-F-01-011 (2 pp, 424K)

Annual Report to Congress

"FY 2007 Superfund Five-Year Review Report to Congress" (July 2008) (PDF)
OSWER 9200.2-61 (10 pp, 1MB)

"FY 2006 Superfund Five-Year Review Report to Congress" (September 2007) (PDF)
OSWER 9200.2-59 (9 pp, 557K)

"FY 2005 Superfund Five-Year Review Report to Congress" (October 2006) (PDF)
OSWER 9200.2-51 (10 pp, 713K)

"FY 2004 Superfund Five-Year Review Report to Congress" (February 2006) (PDF)
OSWER 9355.7-13 (8 pp, 514K)

NCP Guidelines

National Contingency Plan (NCP) guidelines on Five-Year Reviews (PDF)
(40 CFR Part 300.430(f)(4)(ii)) (2 pp, 51K)

EPA Memorandum

"Five-Year Review Program Priorities" (May 2007) (PDF)
OSWER 9200.2-60 (7 pp, 437K)

"Five-Year Review Program Initiatives" (August 2001) (PDF)
OSWER 9355.7-07 (6 pp, 2MB)

Five Year Review Reports Available On-line

Five-Year Reviews Online for All Regions This tool allows you to search by state, site name or EPA ID, region, keyword, or fiscal year across all available Five-Year Reviews.

Regional Five-Year Review Sites


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