Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) Foundation Course

Collateral Duty Sexual Assault Response Coordinators (SARC), Victim Advocates (VA) and Victim Representatives (VR)

Battalion level and below SARCs, VAs and VR (collateral duty Civilian) will attend the SHARP Foundation Course [previously known as, the SHARP 80-Hour Certification Course] in order to meet the Department of Defense Sexual Assault Advocate Certification Program (D-SAACP) certification criteria. Military personnel will receive the 1B Additional Skill Identifier (ASI) upon completion of the SHARP Foundation Course. Collateral duty and part-time SHARP candidates should coordinate with their Brigade-level SARC/VA, Command SHARP Trainer or SHARP Program Manager to register for the SHARP Foundation Course.

SHARP Advisors will attend the Foundation Course IAW with paragraph 3.C.5.F. of EXORD 193-14.

SARC/VA Career Course

The Sexual Assault Response Coordinator/Victim Advocate (SARC/VA) Career Course [previously known as the SHARP Baseline Certification Course (7-Week)] is held at the SHARP Academy, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, for individuals who are filling authorized Program Manager positions and fulltime SARC and VA positions at Brigade level or higher. SARCs and VAs are responsible for providing SHARP services to their Commands in accordance with National Defense Authorization Act 2012, Department of Defense (DOD) and Army policies. The SARC/VA Career Course is a seven-week course designed to meet DOD Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office's Core Competencies and D-SAACP Certification in order to prepare individuals to effectively respond to sexual harassment complaints and victims of sexual assault. Military personnel serving as full-time SARC/VA will receive the 1H ASI upon completion of the SARC/VA Career Course.

SHARP Trainer Course

SHARP Trainers are required to attend the SARC/VA Career Course (7-Week) and the SHARP Trainer Course (5-Week). The SHARP Trainer Course [formerly known as the SHARP Trainer Certification Course] incorporates the seven-week SARC/VA Career Course with an additional two weeks of the Facilitation Instructor Foundation Course (FIFC) and three weeks of SHARP Foundation curriculum overview with a focus on preparation and presentations of various lessons by the students that will prepare them to serve as SHARP Trainers. SHARP Trainers will serve as Instructors/Facilitators for Military and Civilian collateral duty SARCs, VAs and VR assigned to Battalion level and below. The Trainers will also assist Commands with executing their SHARP Annual Refresher Training and present SHARP Senior Leader Briefs (SLBs) as required/needed. SHARP Trainers are eligible to apply for D-SAACP certification.

Special Information

All students are required to meet selection criteria as stated in SHARP ALARACT 147-2013, and in accordance with AR 600-20, Chapter 8-5, paragraph O (11) and 8-6, paragraph I. Individuals attending the aforementioned courses must: 1) have a favorable Criminal Background Check and National Sex Offender Registry Check as per ALARACT 188-2014 (HQDA EXORD193-14) Screening of SHARP Personnel; 2) meet rank requirements – SARCs must be an NCO (SFC or higher), Officer (MAJ/CW3 or higher), or Civilian (GS-11 or higher). The VA/VR must be an NCO (SSG or higher), Officer (1LT/CW2 or higher), or Civilian (GS-09 or higher); and 3) appointed on orders. SARCs are appointed by a General Officer (GO); VAs/VRs are appointed by a COL or higher.

NOTE: Requests for an exception to policy for grade-level requirements for individual students must be processed through ACOMs, DRUs and ASCCs [e.g., FORSCOM, TRADOC, AMC, IMCOM, MEDCOM, etc.] to HQDA SHARP Program Office for approval at least two weeks prior to the class start date in order to attend. ACOMs/ASCCs/DRUs may submit a blanket request for an exception to the grade-level requirements and it must be signed by a GO or a Senior Executive Service (SES) representative.

To become D-SAACP certified, SHARP Program Managers (who provide services to victims), SARC/VA/VR/SHARP Trainer must complete all background screening and/or the SHARP Foundation or SARC/VA Career Course, which has been approved by the National Advocate Credentialing Program® (NACP), a program of the National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA).

For more information on SHARP courses description, registration and the SHARP Academy, please visit the SHARP Academy.