
An educated Army Community led by knowledgeable, informed Leaders are essential to establishing an effective climate of prevention. Among the Army's innovations in training, is its integration of sexual harassment and sexual assault training to address prevention at the earliest point in the continuum of harm. This approach is unique among the Services, but is designed to address behaviors before they escalate into more serious offenses.

Leaders across the Army are taught about sexual assault myths and facts, fostering a preventive culture, ensuring a safe reporting environment, and ensuring appropriate accountability. Soldiers are taught about offender tactics, how to intervene to stop sexual assaults from occurring, and how to report an incident. Soldiers and DA Civilians are taught how they can influence the safety of the Army Community and the workplace. The Army's efforts are very much an "all-hands-on-deck approach", with intervention to stop incidents occurring from the individual Soldier level on up.

In order to educate the Army Community and increase awareness, the Army employs SHARP training during Initial Military Training (IMT): Basic Combat Training (BCT), Basic Officer Leadership Course (BOLC)-Assessment (United States Military Academy and Reserve Officer Training Course), BOLC-Basic (Branch Training). Individuals who take part in IMT receive a 90-minute block of classroom instructions and a 90-minute block of instruction titled "Sex Signals", which address the facts and myths about dating, alcohol, sexual consent, etc. This group also uses "Sex Rules" messaging which associates the 10 "Sex Rules" to the seven Army Values, along with hip-pocket reinforcement training to address scenarios on sexual harassment and sexual assault.

SHARP Training is also conducted at specialty schools/courses to include Drill Sergeant School, the Advanced Individual Training (AIT) Platoon Sergeants Course, Recruiting and Retention Course, Company Commander/First Sergeants Course and the Pre-Command Course. BOLC-A Students and Cadets are also provided with online training modules on social/personal pressures.

All Advanced Individual Training (AIT) courses that are eight weeks long include two hours of SHARP reinforcement training. AIT courses that are greater in length than 23 weeks receive initial reinforcement training and SHARP training quarterly.

SHARP Institutional Training, referred to as Professional Military Education (PME), requirements are included in the Warrior Leader Course, Advanced Leader Course, Senior Leader Course, Sergeants Major Course, Captain's Career Course, Intermediate Level Education, Army War College and all Warrant Officer Courses.

The Army aggressively teaches and promotes Army values and self-discipline to new Recruits and first-term Soldiers to ensure they understand and embrace the Army's efforts to create a climate of prevention and intervention, one in which Soldiers can serve without fear of sexual assault. In alignment with the Joint Chiefs of Staff Strategic Direction to the Joint Force on Sexual Assault Prevention and Response, Army Cadre incorporate discourse about sexual harassment/assault prevention, intervention, and response as part of the daily interaction with new Soldiers.

Additionally, new Soldiers receive SHARP training within their first week of Basic Combat Training. The Army's approach to training and educating new recruits/Soldiers leverages proven cultural change model precepts that employ six sources of influence--personal motivation and ability, social motivation and ability, and structural motivation and ability. These efforts coincide with a Soldier's transition from civilian life and the social values new Soldiers bring with them to Army Values and standards. They also help move the new Soldier from uncertainty (an inability to act, lack of skills or courage) to courage to act in ways consistent with Army Values and the Profession of Arms (knowledge about how to act and practice in implementing model skill sets).

SHARP PME Training Support Packages (TSP) lessons, along with SHARP training for the Civilian Education System (CES) TSPs are being finalized. The TSPs will provide Soldiers and DA Civilians with the tools necessary to identify, prevent, and respond to incidences of sexual harassment and sexual assault as they progress through the different levels of the military and civilian education system.

All Soldiers are required to participate in a three-hour classroom facilitated discussion using a slide presentation and two training videos: "Soldier Training" and "Orientation Training." There is also a requirement to take a portion online via self-study called "Standing Strong".

The Army provides enhanced training for its response personnel to build a robust, professional, and comprehensive response capability.