
Posts Tagged ‘new faces in engineering’

Celebrating Engineer Week

February 12th, 2009
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This Sunday begins the annual celebration of National Engineers Week, February 15-21. We are particularly excited that some of our best and brightest will be recognized for engineering excellence.

Some of our winners represent how we’re “Building the Corps to last” as our “New Faces in Engineering” winners. Others represent how we are setting the “Standard for our Profession”, such as our winners of Black Engineer and Federal Engineer of the Year Awards.

The Corps’ Top “New Face in Engineering” award winner is Timothy Ernster of GRD. Tim is an electrical engineer guiding critical projects to completion in Sadr City. He is managing electrical distribution projects in East Baghdad and a Training Center project for the Iraq Ministry of Electricity. He is making large and lasting contributions to the overall success of the reconstruction mission in Iraq.

The other top “New Faces in Engineering” for USACE in 2009 include Ms. Erin Duffy of Jacksonville District; Ms. Carmen Noltemeyer-Williams of Louisville District, leading complex geotechnical engineering analyses of dams and levees; Mr. Steven Kyle McKay of ERDC’s Environmental Lab supporting USACE’s ecosystem restoration mission; and Ms. Elizabeth Burg of ERDC’s Coastal and Hydraulics Lab, now serving in Iraq.

Each of these “new faces” serve as outstanding examples of BUILDING STRONG for the engineering profession, the Corps, the Army, and the Nation.

Look in USA Today during National Engineers Week for the photo of Tim and other energetic and passionate young engineers that are dreaming big and helping turn their ideas into reality.

We are in the midst of one of the most challenging times in our Nation’s history, from reconstruction in Iraq and Afghanistan, to critical work on the Gulf Coast, to rebuilding critical infrastructure around the Nation.

Together we can make a difference!

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