Naval Sea Systems Command

Carderock Academic Outreach/Multigenerational Day

Date: June 8, 2016
Location: Maritime Technology Information Center, NSWC Carderock Division, West Bethesda

This event is an opportunity for the Navy scientists and engineers of Carderock Division to build relationships that encourage joint research with academia in areas of relevance to the U.S. Navy and the nation. We are looking to stimulate new relationships, invigorate existing research ties across academia and explore new ways that we can work together. 

The event will feature a keynote from Dr. Walter Jones, the technical director of the Office of Naval Research, and poster sessions covering the breadth of research at Carderock. The agenda will include technical sessions in a selection of our technologies and posters covering the breadth of science and technology at Carderock. There will be opportunities for further discussion around the posters at lunch and during tours of our facilities. In the afternoon, we will open with a session on ways of doing business with Carderock leading into breakout sessions where we will brainstorm on how we can move forward using traditional pathways reinvent our interface with universities. 

The scientists and engineers of the Carderock Division are the Navy's experts in the science and technology of maritime mobility systems, from the theoretical and conceptual beginnings, through design and acquisition, to implementation and follow-on engineering. This includes all technical aspects of improving the performance of ships, submarines, military water craft and unmanned vehicles, as well as research for military logistics systems.

This event will be open to U.S. citizens and permanent residents (green card holders) only.

Contact Information
For additional information please call 301-227-1275.
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