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CHIPS Articles: DON CIO Congratulates Award Winners

DON CIO Congratulates Award Winners
By DON CIO - January-March 2016
The Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer is pleased to announce the winners of the 2016 DON IT Awards.

The DON IM/IT Excellence Awards recognize IM/IT projects, teams and individuals that have transformed the Navy and Marine Corps through information technology. Winners were selected for their superior leadership skills and innovative use of IM/IT to significantly improve the effectiveness of the organization in delivering its mission.

The DON IM/IT Innovative Solution Awards recognize teams and individuals that have applied imaginative concepts and challenged conventional thinking which resulted in the improved use of DON information.

The DON Cyberspace/IT Person of the Year and Rising Star of the Year Awards acknowledge individuals who display visionary thinking, innovation, and superior leadership skills in delivering IT to support the DON’s mission.

The DON Information System Security Manager (ISSM)/Information System Security Officer (ISSO) of the Year Award is presented to individuals who have contributed to security efforts that have resulted in significant improvements in cyber hygiene.

The DON Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Program Excellence Award is presented to an individual who exhibited superior leadership performance and commitment to freedom of information.

The Privacy Program Excellence Award is presented to an individual and a team that demonstrates commitment to privacy and advancing the effectiveness of a command privacy program.

The John J. Lussier Electromagnetic Spectrum Award is presented to an individual who demonstrates superior achievement in DON Electromagnetic Spectrum management and use.

The following individuals and teams were selected as the 2016 winners.

DON IM/IT Excellence Award Individual Award Winners

CWO-4 Timothy Aldrich, Chief Technical Officer, MCNOSC for superior leadership, technical acumen, and forward-thinking ingenuity. As the Chief Technical Officer, CWO-4 Aldrich has advanced initiatives on a broad scope, all with substantial enterprise impacts. He led the implementation of 46 enterprise-level projects, hardening network defenses and improving service delivery to Marines worldwide. He planned and managed the extension of Voice over Internet Protocol services to 3000 deployed users across Nepal to Iraq, and Romania to Djibouti, and in support of more than a dozen missions to support humanitarian assistance and disaster recovery missions across the globe. He provided invaluable operational priority recommendations on resource allocation and delivering expertise on the operational environment to both internal and external agencies.

Joseph Andrew, Program Manager, Tactical C4ISR, U.S. Naval Special Warfare Command for seamless management of the battle space by interconnecting deployed Special Operations Forces (SOF) elements from the smallest team to a Joint Special Operations Task Force (JSOTF) headquarters with interoperable networks to share information, facilitate responsive knowledge based decisions, and provide an interface between the SOF Warfighter and the Global Information Grid (GIG). Mr. Andrew addressed multiple Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) tactical hardware and software seams which resulted in the evaluation of new emerging technologies and U.S. Special Operations Command's validation; enhancing tactical network capabilities of impending deployable teams.

1stLt Amanda McIntosh, SharePoint Implementation and Optimization, HQMC C4 for driving efficiency and effectiveness into a workforce of 250 Marines, Civilian Marines, and contractors, and improving collaboration across the C4 Department. Through her diligence and hard work, she optimized SharePoint usage across the Department. With little training, she single handedly saved the C4 Department more than $35,000 annually through the implementation of a series of SharePoint initiatives designed to iteratively bring the full capability to fruition. 1stLt McIntosh has become the SharePoint expert and supported the staffs of the Commandant, Office of Legislative Affairs, and Public Affairs, and worked through senior staff barriers to drive efficiency across Headquarters Marine Corps.

CAPT William McNeal, Program Manager, CANES for bringing the Consolidated Afloat Networks and Enterprise Services (CANES) program from concept to reality, guiding it through its first installations to full at sea operations on twenty-five ships, supporting the Navy’s mission. Due to CAPT McNeal’s leadership skills and management acumen, CANES streamlines afloat IT, reduces the IT footprint, and enhances cybersecurity while achieving significant cost savings. CAPT McNeal’s contributions to Navy afloat IT are truly significant and have set the standard for IT leadership.

DON IM/IT Excellence Award Team Winners

Deployable MCEN Team, MCTSSA for executing a Limited Objective Experiment that demonstrated a viable approach for merging the tactical and garrison networks. This will enable Marine operating forces to seamlessly transition from garrison to a tactical environment while maintaining a single user account and computer workstation. Engineered using only fielded Marine Corps systems and demonstrated in a tactical environment during the 91 day experiment, this approach could be implemented by the operating forces today and promises gains in efficiency, speed of deployment, improved cyber security readiness, and network services management and oversight. This enterprise level collaborative effort has postured the Marine Corps to realize in practice, the tenants of the Joint Information Environment and a seamless Marine Corps Enterprise Network.

Free-Space Optical Communications, ONR and NRL Team for leading the advancement and maturation of free space optics (FSO) technology to enable robust communications in a degraded or contested radio-frequency (RF) environment. This research has resulted in a FSO system called TALON (Tactical Line-of-sight Optical Network) to augment existing Marine Corps line-of-sight radio frequency communication links during Marine Air-Ground Task Force operations. TALON terminals can augment current radios, are eye-safe out of the aperture, capable of providing hundreds of Mbps of throughput, and are more secure than current RF communications, while also alleviating RF spectrum congestion issues. The TALON technology is transitioning to the U.S. Marine Corps in an ongoing Spectrum Access project to address a USMC capability gap, created by the recent AWS-3 spectrum auction. This project will rapidly mature the ONR program to deliver a final, fieldable prototype FSO terminal for USMC developmental testing in 2017/2018.

Periodic Review Secretariat IT Team for developing flexible, technical solutions and providing essential support in executing Presidential Executive Order 13567 (Periodic Review of Individuals Detained at Guantanamo Bay Naval Station Pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force). The team balanced the needs of many external stakeholders, including those in the highest levels of government or occasionally in remote locations, while coordinating disparate IT systems, building needed system redundancy and troubleshooting to execute the review boards successfully and in a timely manner.

U.S. Coast Guard, C3 Engineering Center, Navy Type – Electronics Asset Line Team for developing metrics and using logistical trend analysis to identify system availability improvements while reducing annual costs. The team invigorated the use of the Micro/Miniature repair program, improving return on investment from 1.85 to 9.55 and resulting in $2.3M cost avoidance in FY15. The team initiated cutter configuration audits to assess system condition and unit logistical elements, which increased documented maintenance and reduced causalities. In the ultimate measure of success, cutter Commanding Officers praised the Asset Line and effectiveness of Navy systems, citing their performance as a key contribution to the Coast Guard’s record-setting drug seizures.

U.S. Fleet Forces Command, IT Policy and Investments Team for implementing the CNO's IT procurement approval and oversight process, portfolio management and Fleet-wide IT policy lauded as a "Best Practice" by Navy IG. Under Ms. Carillo's direction, the team streamlined policy and processes for IT purchase approval enabling clarity and discipline in the execution of $1 Billion of IT spending with a $53 Million cost avoidance. Additionally, actively engaged with Program Offices and FL TCYBERCOM, the team created the first-of-its-kind Wireless Afloat Policy establishing controls for personal and government procured devices in afloat commands. The distinctive accomplishments of Ms. Carillo and her team of subject matter expert reflect credit upon U.S. Fleet Forces Command and the Department of the Navy.

DON IM/IT Innovative Solution Award Winners

PEO EIS, PMW 240 Mobility Team for working across multiple disciplines to develop mobile apps that leverage Sailors' personal devices. The team delivered a prototype solution in seven months called eDIVO. The team created a repeatable process for mobile app development to produce apps more efficiently, and released four more apps that help Sailors become more knowledgeable and productive. These apps have been downloaded over 29,000 times. To provide governance and strategic planning, the Mobility Team created the Mobile Application Group that prioritizes requirements for mobile applications, creating an effective collaborative body across the MPT &E enterprise. Between technology innovation from the apps and bringing disparate members of Navy leadership together to a common purpose, the Mobility Team is well deserving of the DON IM/IT Innovative Solution Award.

Denise Roberts, Contracts and Acquisitions Management Director, NAVIDFOR for driving the implementation of the Contracts Collections Analysis and Management Module (CCAMM) and providing the technology to link and standardize approximately 64 major commands within Navy Information Dominance Forces (NAVIDFOR). Through mandated functions and components that link the Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution nomenclatures, CCAMM will highlight trends, cost data, and tripwires; drive cost management and cost avoidance; and spotlight opportunities for enterprise solutions to achieve maximum efficiencies without forfeiting mission capability and readiness. Ms. Roberts has surpassed expectations, vastly improving contracting processes within the NAVIDFOR community.

MSgt Travis Ronzio, Senior Cyber Security Technician, II Marine Expeditionary Brigade for superior performance of duties as the 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade's senior Cyber Security Technician that revolutionized the United States Marine Corps' ability to command and control a Combined Joint Task Force comprised of Five Eyes (FVEY) intelligence alliance partners and defend deployed communication networks from cyber threat. With his hallmark brilliance and foresight, he led the design and execution of a Secret Releasable to FVEY "DMZ" that enabled Command and Control of coalition partners. In addition, he championed defensive cyber operations at the tactical level by implementing the first NITRO capability. Master Sergeant Ronzio's efforts have undoubtedly accelerated the Marine Corps' ability to share information with coalition partners and have paved the way for drastic improvements in defensive cyber operations.

Michael Yearsley, Team Lead, Marine Corps IA Red Team Counter-Phishing, User Training and Inoculation Program for the development and implementation of the Counter-phishing User Training and Inoculation Program (CUTIP). CUTIP provides the Marine Corps with the capability to measure enterprise-level susceptibility to phishing attacks as well as a highly effective system for training users on the dangers associated with email. He developed CUTIP after recognizing that computer security is not just about technology and systems; it is also about the people using those systems and how their vulnerable behaviors can lead to exploitation. CUTIP protects Marine Corps systems and data through improved user awareness and associated reductions in risky user behavior related to email attachments and hyperlinks from unknown or untrusted senders.

DON Cyberspace/IT Person of the Year Award Winner

Maj Nicholas Webb, Officer in Charge, MCEN Operations Branch, MCNOSC for leading the establishment of a MCEN Integration Branch, resulting in a task organized team to transition new technologies into production with minimal cost and disruption to existing services. He developed improved processes for capturing, validating and resourcing requests for MCNOSC capability planning support, resulting in improved efficiency in resource allocation. He led a network unification project consolidating all MARFOREUR and MARFORAF headquarters, and deployed SPMAGTFs, bringing over 2,000 Marines into a centrally defended cyber infrastructure. He led a consolidated upgrade and technical refresh of enterprise routing equipment servicing more than 40 sites. In sum, his actions exhibit an operational focus and relentless attitude towards improving service.

DON IM/IT Rising Star Award Winners

Capt Robert Rivera, Operations Officer, Defensive Cyber Operations, MCEN Operations Branch for demonstrating visionary thinking, implementing innovative practices and displaying superlative leadership, making direct and substantial contributions to Defensive Cyber Operations at the service-level. He established an objective framework leveraging existing services and systems to measure security operations effectiveness at no cost, additionally informing subsequent network design efforts and risk analysis. He overcame challenges in a multi-year sensor installation project, leading it to completion and ensuring full integration into network operations.

IT1 Kenji White, Navy Information Operations Command for his force-multiplying cyber knowledge and operational application. T1 White is the epitome of professionalism and is an outstanding Information Technology role model for all to emulate. He was selected as Navy Information Operations Command San Diego’s Senior Sailor of the Year FY15 for his extraordinary accomplishments and impact in the Fleet, heavy involvement in all facets of my command.

DON Information System Security Manager (ISSM)/Information System Security Officer (ISSO) of the Year Award Winners

Duane Robertson, Cyber Security Manager, PMW 240, PEO EIS, SPAWAR for making a huge impact on the Navy by keeping safe, secure, and operational over 60 the Defense Business Systems used across Navy by all its Sailors and civilians. Mr. Robertson’s leadership resulted in improvement in cyber security among PMW 240's customers that include the Bureau of Naval Personnel, OPNAV Nl6, Naval Education and Training Command, Navy Recruiting Command, and Navy Personnel Command. He has kept large amounts of protected data, including service members' personnel records, safe, and secure. Mr. Robertson's achievements and contribution to the cyber security posture of the Navy warrants recognition by way of the DON IM/IT Information System Security Manager (ISSM) I Information System Security Officer (ISSO) of the Year Award.

Richard Walter, IA/Cybersecurity Branch Head, G-6 Division, Marine Corps TECOM for addressing a myriad of administrative, classroom and exercise operations supporting Marine Corps training and education. Mr. Walter developed and maintained a Command Cybersecurity Program to meet all IA requirements and address evolving cybersecurity threats. His expert knowledge of mission requirements, keen awareness of cybersecurity imperatives, detailed application of principles and procedures for certification and accreditation, timely and accurate analysis and reporting of cyber incidents, and uncommon leadership skills, significantly improved Command cybersecurity readiness while improving efficient cybersecurity resource utilization.

DON Privacy Program Excellence Award Winners

BUPERS Privacy Cadre for significantly improving the Bureau’s ability to safeguard Sailor’s PII and continuing to seek ways to reduce the mishandling of sensitive PII and continually improve the effectiveness of the BUPERS Privacy Program. BUPERS is charged with protecting millions of instances of personally identifiable information (PII) embedded throughout numerous processes and documents handled by the Bureau annually. The BUPERS Privacy Cadre was established to raise privacy awareness and inculcate a culture of breach prevention across BUPERS. The BUPERS Privacy Cadre fully embraced this challenge achieving numerous successes through persistent education and implementation of internal controls to ensure compliance with governing policy and directives.

Judy Kosaka, Information Resources Manager/Deputy Knowledge Manager, COMPACFLT for her superior leadership, personal dedication, and invaluable expertise. Ms. Kosaka’s take charge attitude and involvement in resolving issues and streamlining processes to improve the protection of Personal Identifiable Information benefits not only the U.S. Navy but also affects our sailors. Her efforts to achieve compliancy amongst the U.S. Pacific Fleet staff and subordinate commands are unprecedented accomplishments. The program efficiencies Ms. Kosaka initiated such as automated forms, inquiry checklists, detailed breach reporting processes and tiered responsibilities may be easily duplicated throughout the Navy as bet practices to safeguard Personal Identifiable Information. Ms. Kosaka’s outstanding professional and total dedication to duty reflected great credit upon herself and upheld the highest standards of the Department of the Navy.

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Program Excellence Award Winner

Irina Tsiklik, Naval History and Heritage Command (NHHC), FOIA Program for achieving the largest backlog reduction in the Department of the Navy over the course of 2015. In fiscal year 2015, NHHC reduced its backlog from 431 to 135 requests, or 69 percent; for calendar year 2015, the decrease was from 443 to 64, or 86 percent. The NHHC FOIA team, led by Irina Tsiklik appointed in December 2014, attained this outstanding success by implementing reforms within the course of this year that led to improvements in software, hardware and practices, including procedures at aimed at resolving backlogged cases and unperfected requests that resulted in the largest FOIA backlog reduction in the history of NHHC.

John J. Lussier Electromagnetic Spectrum Leadership Award Winner

Capt Seamus Carey, Marine Corps Lead Engineer, Advanced Wireless Systems, MARCORSYSCOM for professional achievement in superior performance of his duties as the Marine Corps Lead Engineer for multiple Advanced Wireless Systems (AWS) 1 Radio Frequency (RF) testing events. It was during these events that Captain Carey exuded high levels of technical acumen and steadfast dependability while working with industry cellular providers to establish a bi-directional sharing arrangement in areas surrounding MCAS Cherry Point and MCAS Yuma. Additionally, as the lead facilitator in engineering working groups, he ensured that Marine Corps equities were incorporated into the larger Department of the Navy plan for spectrum sharing by soliciting and solidifying participation from a number of non-government agencies as well as DON organizations. Lastly, Capt. Carey utilized his broad understanding of Long-Term Evolution (LTE) technologies to assist in creating complex testing plan to meet industry thresholds for electromagnetic interference, and then implement a solution as a proof of concept for Marine Corps operations. For Superior achievement related to establishing bi-directional sharing activities and Naval Electromagnetic Spectrum management.

DON CIO website:

Mr. Robert Foster, Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer (DON CIO); Ms. Janice Haith, Director, DON Deputy CIO (Navy); and Mr. Kenneth Bible, Deputy Director, HQMC C4, U.S. Marine Corps, presented the DON IM/IT Rising Star Award to IT1 White during the awards ceremony at the DON IT West Coast Conference on February 17, 2016.
Mr. Robert Foster, Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer (DON CIO); Ms. Janice Haith, Director, DON Deputy CIO (Navy); and Mr. Kenneth Bible, Deputy Director, HQMC C4, U.S. Marine Corps, presented the DON IM/IT Rising Star Award to IT1 White during the awards ceremony at the DON IT West Coast Conference on February 17, 2016.

Mr. Robert Foster, Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer (DON CIO); Ms. Janice Haith, Director, DON Deputy CIO (Navy); and Mr. Kenneth Bible, Deputy Director, HQMC C4, U.S. Marine Corps, presented the Privacy Program Excellence Award to Ms. Kosaka during the awards ceremony at the DON IT West Coast Conference on February 17, 2016.
Mr. Robert Foster, Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer (DON CIO); Ms. Janice Haith, Director, DON Deputy CIO (Navy); and Mr. Kenneth Bible, Deputy Director, HQMC C4, U.S. Marine Corps, presented the Privacy Program Excellence Award to Ms. Kosaka during the awards ceremony at the DON IT West Coast Conference on February 17, 2016.

Mr. Robert Foster, Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer (DON CIO); Ms. Janice Haith, Director, DON Deputy CIO (Navy); and Mr. Kenneth Bible, Deputy Director, HQMC C4, U.S. Marine Corps, presented the John J. Lussier Electromagnetic Spectrum Leadership Award to Capt Carey during the awards ceremony at the DON IT West Coast Conference on February 17, 2016.
Mr. Robert Foster, Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer (DON CIO); Ms. Janice Haith, Director, DON Deputy CIO (Navy); and Mr. Kenneth Bible, Deputy Director, HQMC C4, U.S. Marine Corps, presented the John J. Lussier Electromagnetic Spectrum Leadership Award to Capt Carey during the awards ceremony at the DON IT West Coast Conference on February 17, 2016.

Mr. Robert Foster, Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer (DON CIO); Ms. Janice Haith, Director, DON Deputy CIO (Navy); and Mr. Kenneth Bible, Deputy Director, HQMC C4, U.S. Marine Corps, presented a DON IM/IT Innovative Solution Award to the PEO EIS, PMW 240 Mobility Team,  Ken Johnson, Jake Aplanalp and Emily Antos, during the awards ceremony at the DON IT West Coast Conference on February 17, 2016.
Mr. Robert Foster, Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer (DON CIO); Ms. Janice Haith, Director, DON Deputy CIO (Navy); and Mr. Kenneth Bible, Deputy Director, HQMC C4, U.S. Marine Corps, presented a DON IM/IT Innovative Solution Award to the PEO EIS, PMW 240 Mobility Team, Ken Johnson, Jake Aplanalp and Emily Antos, during the awards ceremony at the DON IT West Coast Conference on February 17, 2016.

Mr. Robert Foster, Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer (DON CIO); Ms. Janice Haith, Director, DON Deputy CIO (Navy); and Mr. Kenneth Bible, Deputy Director, HQMC C4, U.S. Marine Corps, presented a DON IM/IT Excellence Team Award to Maj Jason Jones and Greg Smith of the Deployable MCEN Team, Marine Corps Tactical Systems Support Activity (MCTSSA) during the awards ceremony at the DON IT West Coast Conference on February 17, 2016.
Mr. Robert Foster, Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer (DON CIO); Ms. Janice Haith, Director, DON Deputy CIO (Navy); and Mr. Kenneth Bible, Deputy Director, HQMC C4, U.S. Marine Corps, presented a DON IM/IT Excellence Team Award to Maj Jason Jones and Greg Smith of the Deployable MCEN Team, Marine Corps Tactical Systems Support Activity (MCTSSA) during the awards ceremony at the DON IT West Coast Conference on February 17, 2016.

Mr. Robert Foster, Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer (DON CIO); Ms. Janice Haith, Director, DON Deputy CIO (Navy); and Mr. Kenneth Bible, Deputy Director, HQMC C4, U.S. Marine Corps, presented a DON Information System Security Manager (ISSM)/Information System Security Officer (ISSO) of the Year Award to Duane Robertson, Cyber Security Manager, PMW 240, PEO EIS, SPAWAR during the awards ceremony at the DON IT West Coast Conference on February 17, 2016.
Mr. Robert Foster, Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer (DON CIO); Ms. Janice Haith, Director, DON Deputy CIO (Navy); and Mr. Kenneth Bible, Deputy Director, HQMC C4, U.S. Marine Corps, presented a DON Information System Security Manager (ISSM)/Information System Security Officer (ISSO) of the Year Award to Duane Robertson, Cyber Security Manager, PMW 240, PEO EIS, SPAWAR during the awards ceremony at the DON IT West Coast Conference on February 17, 2016.
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CHIPS is an official U.S. Navy website sponsored by the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer, the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) and the DON's ESI Software Product Manager Team at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.

Online ISSN 2154-1779; Print ISSN 1047-9988