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CHIPS Articles: Energy Warrior

Energy Warrior
By U.S. Navy - October 8, 2015
Energy is critical to the Navy mission: it is our greatest enabler and our greatest vulnerability. Our ability to keep ships and aircraft on station and in the fight is directly tied to decisions we make every day that affect how much energy we use and how often we refuel. Ashore, every kilowatt hour we save makes us more resilient and more able to support the warfighter. In the near future, as advanced weapons come online with greater capability and higher energy demand, energy literally becomes our ammunition—and our energy choices become even more critical.

Change is on the horizon, and you can help lead the way.

Disrupt the Future — Today!
Get connected: download the free Energy Warrior app, videos and graphics below. You’ll discover what Sailors, civilians, and others Navy-wide are doing to lead change and increase combat capability. You can also learn interesting facts about our nation’s oil dependence, and what America’s Navy is doing about it.

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U.S. Navy Energy Warrior photo
U.S. Navy Energy Warrior photo
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