
2016 DIA Strategy

For more than 50 years, DIA officers have met the full range of security challenges faced by our great Nation. Today, perhaps more than ever, complexity pervades the DIA mission. Not only are the security challenges we face complex, so is the Agency itself. With 16,500 intelligence professionals operating across the globe, we execute more than 87 distinct missions. Our work supports a wide customer base, ranging from the forward-deployed warfighter to the national policymaker to the acquisitions community.

Despite this diversity, DIA is united in a common vision—to be the indispensable source of Defense Intelligence expertise. For the past five decades, we have done just that. From our in-depth intelligence on foreign military capabilities and intentions, to our unique HUMINT and technical collection capabilities, to our secure network infrastructure and services, DIA provides customers with the intelligence necessary for decision advantage. No other organization can fulfill the critical role we play in enabling military strategy, planning, and operations.

In today’s security environment, the proliferation of information, the rapid development of technology, and the expansion of both traditional and unconventional threats make our charge all the more challenging. It is against this backdrop that we crafted the 2016 DIA Strategy with the purpose of establishing a strategically coherent framework to meet the increasing demands for accurate, exquisite, and timely intelligence.

The goal of this strategy is to not only achieve the end state, but to foster a culture that continuously finds new and better ways to execute the mission. I call on each DIA officer to understand the purpose and overall objective set forth in this strategy and to charge him- or herself with making it a reality. I am extremely proud of the hard work and dedication of the DIA workforce, and I am confident that our collective vision and individual action will drive success as we strive for Excellence in Defense of the Nation.

LtGen Vincent R. Stewart


2016 DIA Strategy >

IT Strategic Plan >