Naval Sea Systems Command

What We Do
Provide research, development, engineering, manufacturing, test, evaluation and in-service support of energetics and energetic materials (chemicals, propellants and explosives) for ordnance, warheads, propulsion systems, pyrotechnic devices, fuzing, electronic devices, Cartridge Actuated Devices and Propellant Actuated Devices (CAD/PADs), Packaging, Handling, Storage, and Transportation (PHS&T), gun systems and special weapons for Navy, Joint Forces and the Nation. Develop and deliver Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) technology, knowledge, tools and equipment and their life cycle support through an expeditionary work force which meets the needs of the Department of Defense, combatant commanders and our foreign and interagency partners. Support the Executive Manager for EOD Technology and Training. Execute other responsibilities as assigned by the Commander, Naval Surface Warfare Center.
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