Naval Sea Systems Command

CREW Program Management Office - PC 
NSWC Indian Head Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Division
2008 Stump Neck Road
Indian Head, MD 20640-5070
Phone: (301) 744-6800
DSN prefix: 354

The CREW Program Management Office (Code PC) is a component of PMS-408 (Expeditionary Missions), which as a program office reports directly to Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command. PMS-408 is led by an O-6 Major Program Manager, billeted at NAVSEA HQ. Code PC is comprised of acquisition professionals dedicated to developing, fielding, and supporting electronic warfare capabilities to counter Radio Controlled Improvised Explosive Devices. The portfolio of programs range from ACAT II programs, to Abbreviated Acquisition Programs, to smaller non-acquisition designated projects. Systems managed by the office are used by warfighters in each military Service, coalition partners, and FMS customers.




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