
Equal Opportunity Office

Mission: To strengthen our National security by growing a workforce of diverse perspectives, by developing a workforce that has the attributes and abilities to meet today’s requirements and tomorrow’s challenges, and by engaging every employee in mission accomplishment, to enhance all-source intelligence operations around the globe.

The Defense Intelligence Agency’s success depends on the skills of its diverse workforce and a shared commitment to executing the defense intelligence mission. The Agency believes that every member of the workforce must have an equal opportunity to excel in their career through improved training, mentoring, and access to challenging work opportunities. DIA also recognizes that a richly diverse workforce, with a broad range of skills, capabilities and perspectives is only achieved through thoughtful recruitment, development, and retention activities. Discrimination, of any kind, based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability (physical/mental), and/or sexual orientation, is prohibited.

The Defense Intelligence Agency’s leadership is expected to take an active role in creating a sustaining a non-hostile/non-discriminatory environment. Each person is important to our mission, and we stand in unity as we face the challenges of protecting our freedoms.


The Defense Intelligence Agency is committed to establishing and maintaining a productive work environment based on inclusion, equality, team building, and the efficient use of employees’ experiences, perspectives, and talents. Following is an overview of Agency diversity policies.

  • Diversity Management
    DIA reaffirms the importance of attracting, developing, and retaining diverse workforce talent who possess a thorough understanding of other societies, cultures, and languages. The Agency is committed to implementing diversity as a powerful tool to build a workforce equipped to deal with current world challenges.
  • Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
    DIA provides equal employment opportunity regardless of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, disability, (physical/mental) , and/orsexual orientation. Employees, former employees, and applicants for employment may file a discrimination complaint in accordance with 29th Code of Federal Regulation, Part 1614.
  • Reasonable Accommodations in the Workplace
    The Agency is committed to being a model employer of people with disabilities. Personnel are required to attend annual diversity training that addresses policies, procedures, practices, and assistive technology. Reasonable accommodation requests are made in accordance with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and 29 th Code of Federal Regulation, Part 1614.
  • Equal Opportunity Training
    Employees are required to complete diversity training during their first year of employment. Each year thereafter, they are required to attend a refresher course to reinforce awareness of equal opportunity in the workplace.
  • Workplace Harassment
    Employees are guaranteed the right to work in an environment free from unlawful workplace harassment and retaliation. Reported incidents shall be investigated and resolved promptly at the lowest appropriate level.
  • Military Equal Opportunity
    Military members have an equal opportunity to attain the highest level their ability will allow, without regard to race, color, sex, religion, or national origin. They are also protected against reprisal for filing discrimination complaints or otherwise participating in the complaint process.

Special Emphasis Programs

Special Emphasis Programs (SEPs) are an integral part of the Defense Intelligence Agency’s (DIA) Equal Opportunity Program. The Programs ensure that Federal agencies take affirmative steps to provide equal opportunity to women, minorities, and people with disabilities in all areas of employment. The term, Special Emphasis Programs, refers specifically to employment-related programs, which focus special attention on groups that historically have been conspicuously absent or underrepresented in a specific occupational category or grade level in the Agency’s workforce. These Programs serve as a channel to management officials and their goals are to: Improve employment and advancement opportunities for minorities, women, and people with disabilities in the Federal service;

  • Identify systemic causes of discrimination against minorities, women, and people with disabilities;
  • Seek ways to help minorities, women, and people with disabilities to advance by using their skills fully;
  • Monitor the Agency’s progress in eliminating discrimination and adverse impact on minorities, women, and people with disabilities in employment and programs; and
  • Educate employees and managers about the extent of various forms of discrimination within the Federal service, and their role in creating an environment that is free of discrimination and harassment.

The following is a list of DIA’s Special Emphasis Programs:

  • Asian American and Pacific Islander Program
  • African American Program
  • Federal Women’s Program
  • Hispanic Employment Program
  • Native American Program
  • People with Disabilities Program