Joint Chiefs of Staff

Joint Staff Structure

The mission of the Joint History Office is "to create the record of activities of the Office of the Chairman of the Joint Staff and to capture and document all aspects of joint operations conducted by the Armed Forces of the United States."

The Joint History Office provides historical support to the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and to the Joint Staff. Central to this mission is the production of historical studies of the activities of the Chairman and Vice Chairman, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Joint Staff. Historians have served on the Joint Staff and its predecessors since 1945.

The Joint History Office prints unclassified and classified publications. These works include volumes in The Joint Chiefs of Staff and National Policy series; an illustrated book on the chairmanship; organizational and administrative histories; histories of joint operations; and studies written by historians affiliated with the combatant commands. A number of these publications are intended specifically for the use of service school faculty and students studying joint operations.