
Posts Tagged ‘jobs’

Corps Employment

April 21st, 2008
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I talk a lot about the importance of getting the right people in the right seat on the right bus in the Corps, but that’s not as easy as it sounds.  So many times I’ve run into people who, when I tell them about the Corps, say to me, “I didn’t know the Corps did that!” So I thought I’d take a minute to talk about some of the many areas of exciting job opportunities we have at the Corps.

First of all, we have offices all over the world. You could work in Japan, Korea, Germany, Hawaii, Iraq or Afghanistan. You could work in any number of cities throughout the continental United States.

Click here for a map of our many district and division offices around the world.

And here’s the one thing that seems to surprise people the most. We’re not just a bunch of engineers. We are so much more than that. Here’s my attempt at a comprehensive list of all the job specialties – but forgive me in advance, because I’m sure I’m leaving some out:

Civil engineers, architects, ecologists, general engineers, geologists, park rangers, computer specialists, hydrologists, water resource planners, accountants, mechanical engineers, physical scientists, information management specialists, environmental engineers, attorneys, human resource specialists, cartographers, public affairs specialists, archaeologists, chemical engineers, economists, foresters, administrative specialists, electrical engineers, social scientists, environmental protection specialists, biologists, mathematicians, contract specialists, auditors, realty specialists, chemists, geographers, urban planners, industrial hygienists, safety specialists, and photographers.

I know – it’s amazing, isn’t it?  But it takes all that and more to manage the many missions of the Corps!

We’re always looking for fresh talent with a strong work ethic, public service orientation, and cutting edge skills.  If you’re at all interested, check out our employment website.

We look forward to having you on our team!

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