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CHIPS Articles: DON IT Conference West Coast 2016 Registration Available Until February 5

DON IT Conference West Coast 2016 Registration Available Until February 5
By DON CIO - February 1, 2016
Registration is open for the DON IT Conference, West Coast 2016, until February 5. It has been approved for February 17-18, 2016, and will be held at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, Ca. No conference fee will be assessed, but registration is required.

The DON IT Conference is typically held in fleet concentration areas on the West Coast and East Coast each year to minimize cross-country travel by participants. Additionally, conference sessions will be available via DCS. More ...

The purpose of the DON IT conference is to:

1. Share information about new and emerging IT policy and initiatives, including those that support statutory requirements, cybersecurity, privacy, and the SECNAV’s vision laid out in the DON Transformation Plan.

2. Provide IT-related training that will provide credits toward continuous learning per SECNAVINST 1543.2, which requires that Cyberspace/IT workforce members have 40 hours of continuous learning per year.

3. Provide the opportunity for discussions between DON IT leaders and the DON IT community responsible for implementing policies and processes at the working level.

The DON IT Conference is open to all DON, government, military and support contractor personnel. Military participants should wear the uniform of the day for all events. Civilians and contractors should wear appropriate business attire.

Approval for the conference by DON AA was predicated on the following: rental cars are not authorized for those traveling by air and attendees must use the lowest cost travel options in booking their flights and accommodations. Attendees must remember to be good stewards of taxpayer dollars when attending this event, and request approval for travel and attendance from their individual commands. Due to travel restrictions in place to minimize overall conference costs to the DON, registration for attendees in a TAD status is limited.

Register now.

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CHIPS is an official U.S. Navy website sponsored by the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer, the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) and the DON's ESI Software Product Manager Team at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.

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