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CHIPS Articles: OPM Establishes New, Online Cybersecurity Incident Resource Center

OPM Establishes New, Online Cybersecurity Incident Resource Center
By CHIPS Magazine - July 14, 2015
The Office of Personnel Management cybersecurity resource center is located at to offer information regarding the data breach incidents as well as to provide useful information on best practices to secure data, protect against identify theft, and stay safe online.

This resource site will be regularly updated with the most recent information about both the personnel records and background investigation incidents, responses to frequently asked questions, and tools that can help guard against emerging cyber threats.

OPM announced, and news media outlets have reported, that the OPM data breach incident now extends beyond the civilian workforce to include military personnel and contractors. The numbers of individuals affected have grown to more than 21.5 million, including current and retired federal workers, their family members and associates listed on the OPM SF-85 and SF-86 security and pre-employment forms, as well as applicants for federal employment and military personnel.

If you think you have been affected by the OPM data breaches, you are encouraged to contact the OPM contracted service CSID at 1-844-777-2743 even if you have not yet received notification by email or by the U.S. Postal Service. CSID will validate that your name is on the list of personnel who have been affected by the breach, and immediately issue a PIN for you to establish an account.

Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus has established a dedicated website as a one-stop clearinghouse of vital information. You are encouraged to frequently monitor the SECNAV website: for the latest information to include ALNAVs, FAQs, Toolkit, Newsfeed, and the "Ask a Question" section. Additionally, the Defense Department has established a centralized email to submit questions related to the breach: DOD.DATA.BREACH.QUESTIONS@MAIL.MIL

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CHIPS is an official U.S. Navy website sponsored by the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer, the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) and the DON's ESI Software Product Manager Team at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.

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