Pain Training List

Pain Management Education Videoconferences

This curriculum of videoconferences has been developed by the University of Washington TelePain program to increase the knowledge and skills of community practice providers who treat patients with chronic pain. This series is particularly useful for clinicians treating non-cancer pain patients who are high risk and/or have poor outcomes related to the use of high dose opioids. For more information on these videoconferences or pain education, contact University of Washington TelePain.

1. The Pain Assessment

David Tauben, M.D.
Clinical Associate Professor, Medical Director, University of Washington TelePain

Learn how to assess pain using standard instruments for measuring function, mood, sleep, risks, and treatment adherence, and when to seek expert help for poorly controlled chronic pain and/or when treatment risks are identified.

2. Functional Assessment of Pain

James P. Robinson, M.D., Ph.D.
Clinical Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Washington

Learn how to make and use proper evaluation of functional impairment in addition to diagnosis in the chronic pain patient to identify treatment options.

3. Addiction Assessment

Joseph Merrill, M.D., M.P.H.
University of Washington

Learn the importance of and how to assess addiction in pain treatment, the relevance of DSM-5 definitions, and how to monitor and respond to aberrant behaviors during treatment.

4. Addiction Treatment

Joseph Merrill, M.D., M.P.H.
University of Washington

Review DSM-5 criteria for addiction and learn about opioid addiction treatment.

5. Establishing a Pain Diagnosis

David Tauben, M.D.
Clinical Associate Professor, Medical Director, University of Washington TelePain

Learn how to categorize painful conditions from duration, type and location, and recognize co-occurring conditions.

6. Urine Drug Toxicology

Suzanne E. Rapp, M.D.
Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine, University of Washington

Understand the policy, practice, and interpretation of urine drug toxicology.

7. Opioids and Med Calculation

David Tauben, M.D.
Clinical Associate Professor, Medical Director, University of Washington TelePain

Learn about opioids and how to calculate morphine equivalency.

8. Chronic Opioid Care Agreements

Barak Gaster, M.D.
General Internal Medicine, University of Washington

Learn about opioid care agreements, what they are and how to use them as part of a chronic pain management plan.

9. Prescription Monitoring Program: A Tool in Patient Care

Chris Baumgartner
Director, Prescription Monitoring Program, Washington State Department of Health

Learn about the prescription monitoring program and how to access, use, and interact with it.

10. Introducing the Pain Tracker Tool

Mark Sullivan, M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington

Learn about the PainTracker web-based pain tracking tool used to track chronic pain patients' responses to treatment.

11. Non-Opioid Clinical Pharmacology in Chronic Pain Management

David Tauben, M.D.
Clinical Associate Professor, Medical Director, University of Washington TelePain

Learn about poly-therapy approaches to pain management that include non-opioid pharmacology and non-pharmacological approaches to chronic pain management.

12. Treament of Anxiety Disorders in Patients with Chronic Pain

Mark Sullivan, M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington

Learn about anxiety, anxiety disorders, their incidence and treatment in patients with chronic pain.

13. Depression and Chronic Pain: Chicken, Egg, or Twins?

Mark Sullivan, M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington

Learn about co-occurrence of depression and chronic pain and the implications for adequately treating both pain and depression.

14. PTSD for the Primary Care Physician: How to Diagnose and Behavioral How To's

Kari A. Stephens, Ph.D.
Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington

Learn about assessing and diagnosing post-traumatic stress disorder, overlapping PTSD and chronic pain, and behavioral treatment approaches.

15. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Pain: A Primary Care Perspective

Joseph Merrill, M.D., M.P.H.
Department of Medicine, University of Washington

Understand the non-pharmacologic pain management options available, focussing on cognitive behavioral therapy approaches for empowering patients to help themselves.

16. Behavioral Principles in Exercise for Chronic Pain

James P. Robinson, M.D., Ph.D.
Clinical Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Washington

Learn how primary care providers can get the most out of physical therapy for chronic pain patients.

S.1. Methadone for Pain: A Guide for Prescribers

David Tauben, M.D.
Clinical Associate Professor, Medical Director, University of Washington TelePain

Understand the indications for methadone use, risks, how to prescribe safely, and how to apply guidelines for opioid monitoring.

S.2.1. Sleep and Pain: Part I

Flavia B. Consens, M.D.
Neurology, Anesthesiology, and Pain Medicine, University of Washington

Understand the background of the relationship between sleep disorders and chronic pain, and the interactions of pain medications and sleep.

S.2.2. Sleep and Pain: Part II

Flavia B. Consens, M.D.
Neurology, Anesthesiology, and Pain Medicine, University of Washington

Understanding sleep disturbances such as sleep apnea and considerations for pharmacological treatments for chronic pain.

S.2.3. Developing the Habit of Sleeping Well

Becca Taylor, R.N., Ph.D.
Center for Pain Relief, University of Washington

Understand the viscious cycle of sleep and chronic pain, and how to develop better sleep habits to improve quality of life and reduced pain interference.

S.3. Disability Management for Treating Physicians

James P. Robinson, M.D., Ph.D.
Clinical Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Washington

Learn how to interact with patients with disabilities who are in workers' compensation and other parts of the disabilities system.

S.4. Disability Assessment and Management in Chronic Pain

James P. Robinson, M.D., Ph.D.
Clinical Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Washington

Understanding functional impairment vs. diagnosis to inform treatment in disabling chronic pain.

S.5. Integrative Medicine: Mitigation of Risk

Heather Tick, M.A., M.D.
Family Medicine, Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine, University of Washington

Understand why patients turn to alternative and complementary approaches for pain management and how to help patients use these approaches for pain relief.

S.6. Pediatric Chronic Pain: Central Sensitization

Anne T. Lunney, M.D.
Anesthesiology, Seattle Children's Hospital

Understand central sensitization, functional gastrointestinal disorders, headache, and other pain problems in children and effective approaches for treatment.

S.7. Common Disorders of Pain in Primary Care

David Tauben, M.D.
Clinical Associate Professor, Medical Director, University of Washington TelePain

Know the characteristics of pain disorders commonly managed in primary care, familiarize with non-drug treatment options, and learn how to effectively use pharmacologic treatments for pain.