





GIS Support

USAEC GIS Committee

The USAEC's Geographic Information System Committee is an advisory board that incorporates representation from each Technical Division at USAEC. The GIS committee is designed to assist USAEC in utilizing GIS efficiently and effectively. The committee successfully combines the GIS strengths of each division in a collaborated effort to support USAEC in the development and integration of GIS.


The GIS Committee's mission is to assist USAEC divisions in the coordination of standardized data collection, elimination of redundancies, and development of spatial applications accessible to the entire USAEC organization and Army. The Committee's mission is to provide access to geospatial information and services in order to improve Army environmental programs in support of the Army mission.


Technical Support

Quality Control
USAEC GIS professionals review geospatial data in support of the Military Munitions Response Program (MMRP), Installation Restoration Program (IRP), and Centralized Geospatial Data Collection Effort (CGDCE). Technicians ensure data are compliant with federal, DoD, and Army data standards.


Geospatial Analysis and Cartographic Products
USAEC GIS professionals work with the UXO team to review historic aerial photos to determine areas where unexploded ordnance (UXO) is likely to be found.


USAEC GIS professionals provide support to the NEPA team prior to and during the range charrette process to identify the potential environmental impacts of a proposed range project.


USAEC GIS professionals run custom queries of the Operational Range Inventory Sustainment (ORIS) database and provide operational range information for Congressional reporting.


Project Planning Support

USAEC GIS professionals provide expertise to ensure that project managers planning task orders containing GIS or CADD related work obtain quality data that meet federal, DoD, and Army data standards at a reasonable cost to the Government.



USAEC GIS professionals offer an introductory GIS course multiple times per year. USAEC employees are encouraged to take advantage of training offered by other Army organizations and private companies.


Spatial Data Standards for Facilities, Infrastructure, and Environment (SDSFIE)

The SDSFIE is a data content standard for geospatial data used by the Department of Defense Installations and Environment (I&E) community. USAEC has experience implementing the SDSFIE and had significant involvement in the development of a new version of the standard, SDSFIE 3.0. To learn more about all versions of the SDSFIE, visit the SDSFIE web site.


Sustainable Range Program GIS Support

The Sustainable Range Program (SRP) is designed for the sustainment of DoD training and test ranges to support their long term viability and utility to meet the national defense mission. GIS support for SRP provides spatial, analytical, and cartographic support for range planning and management activities that optimize Soldier training. The Army Training Support Center (ATSC) TRADOC Capability Manager (TCM) Live is the SRP GIS Program Manager. The USAEC GIS team coordinates GI&S efforts with the SRP GIS Program Manager and the GI&S team lead serves as a technical advisor on the SRP GIS Users Working Group.




















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