RTTUZYUW RUEWMCS0050 1751245-UUUU--RUCRNAV. ZNR UUUUU R 241245Z JUN 14 FM SECNAV WASHINGTON DC TO ALNAV INFO SECNAV WASHINGTON DC CNO WASHINGTON DC CMC WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS ALNAV 050/14 MSGID/GENADMIN/SECNAV WASHINGTON DC/-/JUN// SUBJ/IMPLEMENTATION OF SECTION 1705 OF THE FY14 NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT RELATED TO COURT-MARTIAL JURISDICTIONAL LIMITS AND MINIMUM SENTENCES FOR CERTAIN SEX OFFENSES// REF/A/DOC/PUBLIC LAW 113-66 (FY14 NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT) REF/B/DOC/UNIFORM CODE OF MILITARY JUSTICE POC/R. CROW/CAPT, JAGC, USN/OJAG (CODE 20)/LOC: 1254 CHARLES MORRIS STREET, SE, WASHINGTON NAVY YARD, DC/EMAIL: ROBERT.CROW@NAVY.MIL/ TEL: (202) 685- 7057, DSN 325-7057// J. BAKER/COL, USMC/JAD/LOC: 3000 MARINE CORPS PENTAGON, RM 4D557, WASHINGTON DC/EMAIL: JOHN.BAKER1@USMC.MIL/ TEL: (703) 693-9304, DSN 223-9304// RMKS/1. In December 2013, the President signed Ref A which included more than 30 changes to the military justice process. This ALNAV announces implementation of section 1705 of Ref A related to court-martial jurisdictional limits and minimum sentences for certain sex-related offenses. 2. Ref A, section 1705. For offenses committed on or after 24 June 2014, the sex offenses listed in paragraph 3, below, may only be referred to a general court-martial for adjudication. Further, the adjudged sentence for any person found guilty of a sex offense listed in paragraph 3, below, must include, at a minimum, dismissal or dishonorable discharge. 3. The court-martial referral limitation and the mandatory minimum punishment discussed in paragraph 2 apply to the following offenses under Ref B: a. Offenses charged under subsection (a) or (b) of Article 120; b. Rape or sexual assault of a child under subsections (a) or (b) of Article 120b; c. Forcible sodomy under Article 125; and, d. An attempt to commit an offense specified in subsections a. through c. above that is punishable under Article 80. 4. Released by Ray Mabus, Secretary of the Navy.// BT #0050 NNNN